By Dan Murphy
Editor’s Note: In the August 21 issue of Yonkers Rising, we ran a story on the continued protests against UPS’s proposed expansion on Tuckahoe Road. Since we went to press, the Yonkers Planning Board approved the application. This story reflects the changes.
Councilmember Anthony Merante Joined Clare Gallagher, Community Leader, Founder Stopups.Org, and Nick Plakas, Vice President Of Winchester Village Along With Other Community Members to demand Yonkers Planning Board stay their vote on UPS expansion plans till community concerns are addressed.“Today we are making our final request of the Yonkers Planning Board to not approve the requested revisions by the United Parcel Service to the property known as 555 Tuckahoe Road without significant conditions. The project that was presented in the fall was to help alleviate overcapacity at four nearby facilities. It has now morphed into their largest retail distribution center in Westchester and the Bronx. First and foremost, we demand that no fuel tanks be included on this development. This presents an unnecessary additional environmental and safety hazard. We are talking about 24,000 gallons of gasoline,” said Merante.
Joining StopUPS.org in support of the resident’s interest are Mike Breen, Minority Leader, Yonkers City Council, Shanae V. Williams, Councilmember, 1st District Ruth Walter, Westchester County Legislator District 15 and Nader J. Sayegh, NYS Assemblyman, District 90. Anthony Merante said, “I was pleased to be joined by my partners in government who are standing behind this grassroots movement to protect this community.”
After the Planning Board voted to approve the application, Councilman Merante issued a release and statement which reads:
The nearly 1,000 residents of the Grassy Sprain neighborhood will soon learn that the Yonkers Planning board just approved that 24,000 gallons above ground fuel tanks be erected yards from residential homes. The Planning Board whose mission should have been to weigh what’s in the best interest of the Yonkers Community gave residents the middle finger. They totally disregarded the community’s’ safety and environmental concerns thereby jeopardizing the lives of over 500 families.
Councilman Anthony Merante stated, “To say I’m livid is an understatement. I’ve never seen such a total disregard for what should have been a fair and thoughtful process. They gave UPS 100% of what they wanted. In addition, to the tanks, the 130-space parking lot and approval of trucks and trailers operating 24/7 in a residential neighborhood and no requirements for an environmental study. This is outrageous”. Merante noted, “I find it extremely curious that construction had started well in advance of planning board consideration. It almost seems like UPS knew the fix was in and it was a done deal before the vote was taken. This merits further investigation by the appropriate legal authorities. This fight is far from over. The community effort is led by the StopUPS.org retained attorney Joel H. Sachs of the firm Keane & Beane, P.C. I plan to take up, at the City Council that Alfred Weissman Real Estate has violated their agreement and begin the process of revoking that Special Use Permit which will ultimately require the demolition and removal of the Hampton Inn.”