The Westchester Parks Foundation, the only organization dedicated exclusively to promoting and supporting Westchester County Parks, continued with its multi-year Lake Revitalization Project at Tibbetts Brook Park in Yonkers. 222,246 pounds of water chestnut and other aquatic invasive species were pulled from the ten-acre lake over the past month in an effort to return the lake back to its prominence. Volunteers worked alongside two Truxor Multifunction Amphibious Workhorse machines to help with weed control in hard-to-reach areas.
The project kicked off in July 2018 and is part of a planned effort to sustain the lake over the course of the next few years and restore it to its original state for recreational use. Since the clean-up started over fourteen acres of Water Chestnut was removed by the machine and 82,078 pounds by hand.
Joe Stout, Executive Director of WPF stated: “Westchester Parks Foundation is thankful for Xylem and G.A Fleet, who continue to support the Lake Revitalization of Tibbetts Brook Lake along with our new sponsors Osaka Gas USA Corporation and our board member Glenn Pacchiana and Thalle Industries. We hope that people who enjoy the park daily have noticed a difference in the water and are excited as us to see this project continue this successful path to provide recreational use to residents of Yonkers and Westchester.”
The Foundation’s mission is to invest in, advocate for, and enhance the over 50 parks of the Westchester County Parks system. For more information about Westchester Parks Foundation, visit www.thewpf.org or follow them on Facebook.com/WestchesterParksFoundation and Instagram @thewpf.
Tibbetts Brook Park is critically important to the community in Yonkers, as one of the largest parks in New York State’s fourth largest city. Additionally, parks and waterways serve a key role in urban areas to give residents access to needed green space. Westchester Parks Foundation’s efforts at the lake will eventually bring this area back to regular use over the next decade.
Thalle Industries is an environmentally responsible supplier of high-quality virgin and recycled aggregate, asphalt products and brownfield fill for the construction industry. For more information visit http://www.thalleindustries.com