Opinion: Most American Citizens Have No Legal Obligation To File Returns Or Pay The Personal Income Tax

Letter -Opinion

Why is the federal government in cooperation with the federal judicial system working so hard to deny me a jury trial through motions to dismiss?

In my opinion, it is because our government officials refuse to respond to five questions. More than 500+ questions have also been developed by tax professionals, attorneys, and IRS whistleblower with over 25 years of research. Our federal government refuses to answer or respond to, a jury trial would demand a response.

Five of the basic questions that would require an answer are:

1.) Why is the government unable to cite the specific US law or regulation that legally obligate every American citizen to file returns, or makes them liable for the income tax?

2.) How can the government force you to waive your fifth amendment (Miranda) rights as -you do-each time you sign and file your tax return under oath?

3.) Why have the government and the courts repeatedly refused to acknowledge, irrefutable evidence that the 16th (federal reserve and income tax) amendment to the constitution was ratified via fraud and even if valid does not apply to the average citizen?

4.) How can citizens be charged with a crime for failure to follow a law that is so complex and vague even government “experts”can’t explain it?

5.) How can the IRS administratively seize your bank account or home without a valid court order, and in direct violation of your constitutional right to due process of law?

Anthony Futia Jr.
No. White Plains, Town of North Castle