By Clifford Jackson, Larchmont
Donald Trumps election as the 47th president has been called the greatest comeback in presidential history. He is the second president since Grover Cleveland to be elected to a second term nonsconsecutively. This election brings home how sick and decadent the American Empire is and that white supremacy, this countrys foundation, has included many people of color in its manifestation on today’s political and certainly social stage. So-called pundits and the corporate media have painted a very distorted reason for Trumps victory. They said that Trumps victory was a” pocket book “vote. That was a small part of why he won. A culture of depravity, hatred and a pathological sense of entitlement has driven this support of Donald Trump by white America. Historically whites have always been the real “illegal aliens “in this country. Just ask all of the indigenous tribes that have been put on reservations for centuries by the progenitors of white America today.
These are the same people that described Indians, in the Declaration of Independence and constitution, as “ SAVAGES “. It is the white western world that has ravaged and raped Latin America, Africa and Asia for 5 centuries creating the so-called “ third world “ and the resulting immigration crisis which is a direct byproduct of this rapine by the white western world. Yet the very sick “Archie Bunker” response from a majority of white America is “ that happened a hundred years ago”. This searing ignorance does not understand that it didn’t just happen a hundred years ago. This is a continuum of entitlement, racism and physical and economic violence by white America that has never stopped. The ghettos, barrios and Indian reservations today are a direct result of white pathological violence economic and physical for generations. “Operation WETBACK”, is a part of this continuum of white pathological violence where this brutally racist policy during the Eisenhower Administration in 1953 led to more than 1 million illegal and legal Mexican-Americans being deported back to Mexico. The very name of this policy shows how America has been a tradition of racism from its inception, What really is making this insane and showing how sick and deranged this history of America is is the impact of colonialism. That makes many black, Latino, south Asian, philipino,Polynesian people clones of the very people that have wiped out their indigenous cultures and histories and made them accept this history of violence and racism in a subliminal sense as being justified. It is the reason why millions of people of color are Christian and Catholic. That was determined by colonialism literally centuries before they were born.
The millions of people of color that voted for Trump accept that Trump has emboldened white supremacy. Will have white supremacists like Stephen Miller and Elise Stefanik in his Administration. In her case she had a series of hearings in congress on antisemitism towards Jews and ignored the daily antisemitism and concomitant genocide against Palestinians by the Israelis. Her racism doesn’t care that Palestinians are also Semitic speaking people and therefore subject to antisemitism. . These millions of people of color who voted for Trump also voted for someone that has described Mexicans as rapists and all Latin American illegal immigrants as murderers and criminals . As well as Haitians as animals that eats dogs and cats. Donald Trump is EVIL and with all of his history of xenophobia, racism that has also said , “we should only have immigrants from Norway and the Scandinavian countries. “This is what colonialism does creating this kind of malaise within black and brown communities to give legitimacy to this evil. They also voted for someone that did the same thing that the confederates did 160 years ago. They were rewarded with compensation for the loss of slave property as well as 100 years of American Apartheid raping and slaughtering black people with impunity. Trump has been rewarded for his attack on the capital and all of the violence and treasonous acts with a second Administration. This goes to show that America HAS NEVER EVER BEEN ABOUT THE RULE OF LAW. White Mob rule has always been the force that impacts and determines policy in this country.
Clifford Jackson, Larchmont