Op-Ed: Israel is a Terrorist State and the Entire World Knows it

By Cliff Jackson

What is happening in Gaza is pure evil. Palestinians daily are having whole families slaughtered and butchered by the Israeli barbarians. Several days ago at Al Asqa Hospital in Gaza “The Israeli Defense Forces set 30 tents ablaze with hundreds of Palestinian people who had already been displaced with IVs in their arms that were burned alive. “ To be clear these were HUMAN BEINGS, Men, women, children and babies!!!!. This is absolutely despicable and shows how morally bereft and evil that Benjamin Netanyahu and Naftali Bennett as well as thousands of Israelis are who support this. As one holocaust survivor said “ that act at Al Asqa 

Hospital , as well as many others,  is the Auschwitz for Israelis who along with Netanyahu have become Adolph Hitler “. There are babies and children daily whose bodies are buried under the rubble , from these acts of inhumanity by the Israeli savages who are bombing homes, schools hospitals and mosques indiscriminately. What is even more outrageous and heartbreaking is to see thousands of Palestinians holding the lifeless bodies of their husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and especially children and babies. Many of the corpses that they hold in their arms have been incinerated and mutilated.

One particular act of insanity by the Israelis was the killing of an entire Palestinian family except one, that almost brought me to tears. A man in his 40’s had his entire family wiped out including cousins uncles, aunts by the Israelis. In order to have some connection with all of the dead members of his family , they were all buried in the same house that he lives in. Anyone reading this including the editor of this publication should try to fathom the magnitude of this kind of evil and imagine if that was them and their entire family. 

Also the impact upon many others who are still alive and have had  their entire families wiped out. THERE ARE NO WORDS!

People around the world are condemning this barbarism by the Israelis:

The minister of social justice from Spain,children of Auschwitz survivors, British Surgeon Dr. Victoria Rose, UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese, Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Chris Sidoti of the UN’s special commission of inquiry, Three members of the Irish Parliament :Thomas Gould, Clare Daly, my personal hero, as well as Richard Boyd Barrett ,  actor John Cusack have all condemned Israel and this unfathomable evil. The list goes on and on and on as far as this world wide condemnation. This slaughter of Palestinians has been defined as “ Israel’s right to defend itself “ This is the penultimate lie and rationalization of an uncivilized nation called Israel.

The western media especially here in the United States is an utter disgrace and abomination with its racist and propagandistic support of Israel. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS are all categorically guilty of this disgraceful reporting of what is happening in Gaza.

Describing this massacre as a “ war” when this is outright genocide and daily efforts at a brutally racist effort at ethnic cleansing. William Ritter the anchorman at ABC Eyewitness News and Joshua Eineger also at ABC have been particularly disgraceful and disgusting in their reporting , ignoring the genocide of the Palestinians.

The anti defamation league and the UJA Federation of Westchester are an absolute fraud when it comes to the Torah in their support of Israel and their silence about the more than 43,000 Palestinians slaughtered and the more than 60,000 who have been maimed and tortured. The 500 Jews who shut down Wall Street in protest of wall streets profiteering off of this slaughter saying “ not in our name “ are to be commended for their heroism.

This is anathema to the racism of more than a few Jews here in Larchmont who are no different than the Trumpites. Especially a couple of the judges from the Larchmont village court. This condemnation of the evil of Israel HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT ANTISEMITISM!  Also, the ultimate acts of antisemitism are happening to Palestinians, who are also Semitic-speaking people, but the racism and evils of this society as well as the hypocrisy of Western so-called civilization ignores this kind of antisemitism. This is about a sanguinary bloodthirsty brutally racist regime that has been committing October 7ths since 1948.

Cliff Jackson , Larchmont