Obstruction of Justice, Fraud and Corruption Within the U.S. Treasury department, IRS and the Federal Court System

Letter to the editor by Tony Futia

On February 22, 2006, We The People (WTP) filed an appellants brief at the US Court of Appeals, for the District of Columbia (Case No 5-6359). Stating in part: “because this is a case of first impression, where plaintiffs provided a detailed review of the history, meaning, effect, and the significance of the “right to petition,”; the last 10 words of the first amendment of New York State’s constitution, which is a capstone right of the 50 states constitutions.

Oral arguments were heard by the court on October 6, 2006.

However, after oral arguments, on December 22, 2006, Congress posted the voluminous Tax Relief and Health Care Reform Act of 2006, which, in its division A Title IV, Section 407 authorized the Treasury Secretary to prescribe a list of “Specified, frivolous positions”.

In March 2007, the Treasury Secretary issued Treasury Notice 2007-30 which included a list of “specified frivolous positions” and declared that any person who relied on a “specified frivolous position” in any proceeding before the Internal Revenue Service would be fined $5000.

Department heads cannot make law and Congress never completely reads these voluminous bills if at all”.
Strong evidence suggests the COURT, IRS and TREASURY DEPT. colluded to counter arguments WTP just argued in court as “FRIVOLOUS ARGUMENTS” (before the court’s decision was rendered.)

The court did not issue its decision for seven months, not until May 8, 2007, by Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

By its Treasury Notice 2007-30, the government has in effect responded to We The People’s petition for “redress of grievance,“ by summarily and without explanation, documentary, evidence, or argument declared WTP’s questions to be “frivolous.”

Number (9)(B) on treasury’s list of specified frivolous positions is particularly noteworthy and should be of concern to state residents; as the federal government intentionally and judicially removed the enforceability of the people’s First Amendment petition clause of the United States Constitution!

We no longer have a constitutional republican form of government of by and for the people, governed by state Constitution’s. We now have a government of ruling class that ignores the people!!!

“With every right there is a remedy and any right that is not enforceable is not a right.”

Anthony Futia N. White Plains