Westchester Community College Trustees, County Executive George Latimer, Board of Legislators Approve SUNY WCC Budget with Zero Tuition Increase
Westchester County Executive George Latimer Announces Increased County Support for the Community College Mission to Help Students Achieve Academic and Career Goals and Enter High-Wage, High-Demand Jobs in the Region
SUNY Westchester Community College (SUNY WCC) is holding the line on tuition for the 2022-2023 school year. The flat tuition reflects ongoing challenges faced by students and families who are struggling with rising costs due to inflation and uncertainty surrounding COVID. Annual full-time credit-student tuition is $4,730 and the lowest tuition among colleges in the region.
The operating budget includes an increase in county sponsor support, which is significant because the college budget relies increasingly and predominantly on student tuition. Expanding public support for SUNY WCC as a vital partner in meeting economic development objectives preserves the college’s role in providing affordable educational pathways to bachelor’s and advanced degrees, delivering short-term workforce training necessary for job growth, and facilitating access to high wage, high demand jobs in our region.
Westchester County Executive George Latimer said: “Every dollar counts. In Westchester County, we are working hard to combat rising costs by finding new and innovative ways to provide relief. This news, coupled with the County’s additional support to SUNY WCC, is another way we are looking to lessen the burden on taxpayers and help all of us thrive in our home community. I thank Dr. Miles, the SUNY WCC Board of Trustees and the Board of Legislators for their collaborative approach to find solutions that will best benefit the people we all serve.”
Chair of the SUNY WCC Board of Trustees Dr. LeRoy Mitchell said: “The Board conveys deepest thanks to County Executive Latimer, President Belinda Miles, and their teams for working together on a plan that reduces financial burdens on students, balances the operating budget, and positions the college for long-term future viability. The responsibility to keep the community college accessible and affordable is among the most fundamental responsibilities of the Board of Trustees.”
SUNY WCC President Dr. Belinda Miles said: “The County’s extraordinary gesture increasing its sponsor support is a heartening demonstration of confidence in SUNY Westchester Community College and its central role uplifting our region by providing economic advancement opportunities for individuals and businesses. Our partnership in keeping tuition affordable for students and families is a cornerstone of the community college mission to keep students on the path to high-quality higher education and is especially impactful as we expand academic degree pathways at our new Yonkers Campus this fall.”
BoL Chairwoman Catherine Borgia: “If rising prices on everyday purchases are already significantly influencing consumer behavior, imagine what a tuition increase would mean? It means postponing graduation and delaying one’s higher income earning potential. The Board recognizes the role that SUNY WCC plays in providing upward mobility to students who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford a college education. Those students deserve support and access now more than ever.”
SUNY WCC’s lowest-among-peers tuition is a strong investment at a time when New Yorkers with student loan debt owe an average of $37,678. SUNY WCC students are eligible to apply for need-based federal and state financial aid that covers tuition, and the WCC Foundation distributes more than $2 million in scholarships annually. In 2022-2023, eligible students can receive federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds to offset any impacts from COVID-19.
Legislator Vedat Gashi said: “SUNY WCC is a valued institution for its socioeconomic impact on our County, and I am more than happy to be a part of approving its funding. We thank our County Executive George Latimer for his leadership and support, as well as SUNY WCC President Dr. Belinda Miles and Vice President and Dean of Administrative Services Brian Murphy, for their vision in moving the college’s mission forward.”
SUNY Westchester Community College offers convenient options for all learners, with six locations across the county, and with classes offered weekdays, evenings, and weekends. A new Yonkers Campus opens in fall 2022 in a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility at the iconic Cross County Center offering a full array of student services and more than 140 classes in degree pathways that can be completed entirely in Yonkers. Anyone interested in applying to SUNY WCC, whether for degree programs or short-term workforce development, should visit www.sunywcc.edu.
Legislator Margaret Cunzio said: “As an educator, I firmly believe education is the foundation of our society. With today’s vote, we are proving our dedication to higher learning by making SUNY WCC one of the most affordable community colleges in the state.”