LWV Candidates Forum for School and Library Boards Set for
Monday, May 13 at 6 p.m. at City Hall
The League of Women Voters of New Rochelle will hold its annual Candidates Forum for the Board of Education and the Library Board of Trustees on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 6 pm at New Rochelle City Hall, 515 North Ave. (parking in rear of building). The election will be on Tuesday, May 21; polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in local schools. Further information will be mailed to residents of the district.
There are seven candidates for four vacancies on the nine-member Board of Education. The candidates are, in alphabetical order, Gwen Clayton-Fernandes, Myriam Decime, William Ianuzzi (incumbent), Vincent Malfetano, Philip Sidoti, Sam Singal, and Valarie D. Williams (incumbent). Terms are for five years. The two candidates with the most votes will serve five year terms; the candidate receiving the third highest vote will fill the three remaining years of David Peters’ term, and the next highest will finish the two remaining years of Margaret Bavosa’s term.
Two candidates are running for the two vacancies on the seven-member Library Board of Trustees: Vera Salter and Nancy Weinberger. Terms are for five years.
The moderator will be a trained League of Women Voters member who is not a New Rochelle resident.
Questions from the audience are welcome and can be emailed ahead to lwvnewrochelle@gmail.com.
Live streaming will be provided by City Hall and recorded for later viewing up to election day. Further information will be mailed to residents by the school district and library shortly.
To the Editor:
Every five years the Environmental Protection Agency reviews the ongoing PCB cleanup of the
Hudson River. PCB contamination has turned the Hudson into one of the country’s largest Superfund sites, making it unsafe to consume its fish, shutting down its fishing industry and compromising its ecological health.
This is not just an up-river problem. Downriver communities like Hastings have some of the
worst concentrations of PCBs recorded. It is imperative that the EPA issue a clear schedule and
commitment to order a formal Remedial and Investigation and Feasibility Study for the Lower
Hudson and design an effective cleanup remedy for the Upper Hudson River floodplains.
The League of Women Voters of the Rivertowns urges you to write to the EPA Region 2 Administrator (garcia.lisa@epa.gov) to hold General Electric accountable for its part, to acknowledge
that the remedy set forth is “not protective of human health and the environment” and to not dismiss the importance of achieving target PCB concentrations.
Susan Maggiotto, President
League of Women Voters of the Rivertowns