Editor’s Note: As NY Governor Kathy Hochul releases an statewide energy plan on Dec. 19, New Yorkers are taking a look at their first heating bill for the winter, and regardless of whether you heat your home with Oil, Natural Gas or electric, prices are through the roof, with some bills doubled from last year.
Can anything be done? John Ravitz, from the Business Council of Westchester asks this question about the future of energy policy in New York State in the Op-Ed below.
New York requires a balanced and practical energy policy to preserve and protect our economy and quality of life
By John Ravitz
Is there anyone who is not in favor of improving the climate of our nation and the globe? Of course not. That’s the easy part. The more vexing questions are how and how quickly can we reach this ambitious goal?
In New York State this challenge is about to be put to the test. On December 19, the state-appointed Climate Action Council will issue it’s final “scoping plan” outlining how New York will transform its energy supply systems. It is impossible to overstate the impact of the program’s mandate that by 2040, just 17 years, 100 percent of our electricity will be required to come from renewable power sources.
Over the last four years, the Business Council of Westchester has been laser-focused on the changing landscape of our renewable energy future. We have actively followed the push to impose a hard deadline on the cut-off of fossil fuel sources. We have carefully assessed the impacts both economic and personal it will have on every aspect of life in our state. No resident or business sector will not be affected. We remain deeply concerned about and the unintended but inevitable consequences of setting a self-imposed deadline.
In Westchester County we have witnessed firsthand the impacts of sudden, dramatic changes in energy policy and production. The BCW was at the center of the debate over state-imposed closing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power plant that provided 25 percent of the power for New York City and Westchester and called for relicensing of the plant. Governor Cuomo, however, refused. The financial and reliability ramifications of this decision continue to be felt not just in the local communities and school district, but in the scramble to find sufficient power to make up the difference, and the inflated costs that come with it.
Currently we ae continuing to cope with Con Edison’s moratorium on new natural gas hookups in southern Westchester. This is a direct result of the unwillingness of the state to allow additional natural gas pipelines or even expansions of existing lines. The reasoning is that new building construction should use electric versus power not natural gas. Another example of a goal that cannot be met in practical terms and timeframes.
And that takes us to the heart of the relentless push by green energy activists to impose a hard deadline on the ending the use of fossil fuels, often with the acquiescence of state officials. They simply ignore the fact that the capacity to replace fossil fuels doesn’t currently exist and that developing alternative sources in the time frame New York has set forth is simply not possible.
In this environment, there is great reluctance to be seen as a naysayer. Unfortunately, unless common sense and reality prevail, we are going to find ourselves in an energy crisis of our own making. Wind and solar power are nowhere near being developed to a level that will come close to offsetting the loss of fossil fuel power in the time frame that’s being established.
Hydropower from Canada, often talked about as a significant source of added clean energy, has become a less certain. Hydro Quebec has indicated that its surpluses have diminished in recent years, and it cannot guarantee consistent large-scale year-round supplies.
For the last 20 years the BCW has thoughtfully examined the issues surrounding the availability and cost of our electric power supplies, and for good reason. Without a reliable, consistent, abundant, and affordable supply of power we cannot have a successful and thriving economy, plentiful jobs and a quality of life that we enjoy. The energy supply uncertainties being seen in Germany and other European nations, and to a growing extent in California and other states are harbingers of how quickly the situation can deteriorate.
Richard Ellenbogen, a BCW member, is an engineer and business owner in New Rochelle who has operated both a factory and his own home “off the grid” for decades, long before most people had even heard the term. An expert on energy technologies, we are fortunate to have him serving with us as a consultant and a respected authority. His invaluable input, he has helped the BCW emerge as a leading voice for the business community on this challenging subject. Over the last four years he and I have met with state elected officials, regulators and policy makers to express our concerns about the strong potential of creating a debilitating energy shortage of our own making.
We join with those who aspire to see a cleaner energy future, and to address the complex issues posed by climate change. At the same time, we will remain a voice of reason and reality. Setting green energy goals and timeframes that cannot possibly be met, while effectively undermining our ability to assure the basic electricity supply needs of New York’s residents and business can be met, is irresponsible and unacceptable.
The Business Council of Westchester strongly urges Governor Hochul and the State Legislature to take a deep breath and begin the process of having honest conversations with all stakeholders statewide on how we can achieve the goals to ensure New York has a strong and reliable energy plan in place. Those conversations must stress that the state has a long way to go to create the renewable energy infrastructure that is needed to support the state’s power grid, and that natural gas will be required to support the system until the renewable energy infrastructure is in place.
It is imperative that New York continues to attract and retain businesses to keep our economy strong. This means demonstrating that we have a clear, smart and secure energy delivery plan in place now and in the future. Achieving this will require a tremendous amount of work, mutual understanding, and cooperation on everyone’s part. It’s not an option and the time to begin is now.
John Ravitz is Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Business Council of Westchester and oversees energy issues, policies and planning.