Days after somebody leaked a draft decision from the US Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito which would overturn the landmark abortion case, Roe v Wade, NY democrats stood united in their promise not to let a woman’s right to choose be taken away in the Empire State.
State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, from Yonkers, said, “New Yorkers will not be silent as SCOTUS tries to rollback 50 years of precedent. I’m proud to stand with Governor Hochul, NYS Bipartisan Pro-Choice Legislative Caucus and officials across our state as we lead New York in the fight for Americans’ right to a safe, legal abortion.”
Stewart-Cousins was also interviewed for Capital Tonight when she elaborated on plans to protect not only the right to an abortion, but overarching personal privacy rights.
“I really am very saddened, frankly, to be having this conversation because there are certain assumptions that I have as somebody who has a legacy of having been discriminated against. To be having this conversation in 2022, it’s just incredible to me. But we are on this path and I will repeat it again and again, because for some reason there is some kind of radical agenda by so many of my Republican colleagues that seem to feel, that it’s okay to storm the Capitol but it’s not okay to have control over your own [body]. I’m very confused.”
Governor Kathy Hochul said, “Here in the State of New York we will not stand idly by as abortion rights are under assault across the country. Anyone who needs care, we welcome you with open arms. Remember that we legalized abortion in the State of New York three years before Roe v. Wade. We were there for woman at the time and we will be there for them now.”
“Because we believe that acess to reproductive health is a human right and my administration will do whatever it can to protect that right. And my message to those who would deny this fundamental, basic right is, You Don’t Want to Mess With us. And I assure you, this is a fight that you will not win,” said Hochul.
State Senator Shelley Mayer, also from Yonkers, said, “I am alarmed and distressed by the draft Supreme Court opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade. I deeply support a woman’s right to control her own reproductive decisions and more specifically, the right to terminate a pregnancy under the Constitutional limits set forth in Roe v. Wade. The decision to become a parent – a lifetime responsibility – is not one which should be imposed by the government, which is effectively what will happen should the Supreme Court adopt yesterday’s leaked decision. It is not just the personal autonomy of our bodies as women, but it is also the right to control our destiny as adults that is at risk here. This decision will be particularly burdensome and excruciating for those without resources or support. “
“Additionally, I have tremendous concerns about the overturning of constitutional precedent that this decision presages. What constitutional rights might be attacked next? We must protect these rights with all the passion and energy they deserve. I am proud of the work we have done here in New York to protect and safeguard reproductive choice, and I stand in solidarity with the large majority of Americans who continue to favor the availability of safe and legal abortions. But that will not be enough. Join in the effort to preserve our right to a safe, legal abortion under Roe – and don’t be silent,” said Mayer.
Justice Alito referenced two other cases in his draft decision overturning Roe, which he claims “aren’t deeply rooted,” in American history. Both deal with marriage equality and punishment for sodomy.
Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins said that NY State may have to protect an all encompassing right to privacy if needed. “Right to privacy, right to your body autonomy, all of those things are things that, I believe, sadly, we will have to codify in order for New Yorkers to be okay. So much of the quality of knowing that you have control over your life’s choices makes such a difference in terms of how you proceed in life.”
Several months ago, Stewart-Cousins accused national republicans of an effort to blame criminal justice and bail reforms for surging crime and violence. NY GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy said that the issue of abortion is an effort by democrats to hide their record on crime and the economy.
Stewart-Cousins said that Republicans “have a radical agenda that they want to distract from,” including their efforts to overturn Roe.
Future legislation that state senate democrats may address include permitting pharmacists to presribe birth control and other contraceptions, and a NY Constitutional amendment protecting a residents right to reproductive care.