New Rochelle Girl Scouts Win Ridge Hill “Branches of Joy” Holiday Tree Competiton

New Rochelle Girl Scouts with their holday tree decoration winnng display
Ridge Hill is excited to announce the three winners of the second annual holiday tree decorating contest, Branches of Joy! Taking top prize and receiving the most votes is The New Rochelle Girl Scouts with 3,458 votes, Paws Crossed Animal Rescue was recognized with the “Bright Idea” Creativity Award, and Scouts BSA Troop & Pack 47 was recognized with the “Donation Superstars” award collecting the most non-perishable food donations for Feeding Westchester – for the second year in a row! With seventeen community groups working together, they collectively exceeded the initial goal of 5,000 total votes for this program resulting in a $5,000 donation for Feeding Westchester as well as generous donations of non-perishable food.
“I am excited to share that the second annual Branches of Joy was once again a huge success, which is all due to the community organizations’ participation, creativity, and hard work,” said Meghann Hongach, General Manager at Ridge Hill. “We were delighted at the chance to bring so many of our community partners together to benefit an important local cause and continue a joyful, holiday tradition.” 
The winners of this competition have not only been awarded an enviable trophy and a package of treats from Ridge Hill’s shops and restaurants, but they have raised money for a truly worthy cause. Ridge Hill recognizes the struggle that too many community members are facing right now to put food on the table. Teaming up with Feeding Westchester to help those facing food insecurity, Ridge Hill pledged to donate $1 to the organization for each vote counted and encouraged food donations throughout the program.
This unique competition included an interactive activity of decorating trees, which were showcased indoors to create a beautiful holiday window display on Market Street. Decorations were handmade, and each team was able to create its own theme. Participating groups have been recognized for their support on Ridge Hill’s website and social media channels.

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