NASA recently announced that the Harrison Rocketry Team placed second, in the Judges’ Choice category, in a nation-wide challenge hosted by NASA Student Launch. The award recognizes teams for the most creative payload and best design/workmanship of their rocket. The team also placed first in Best Team Spirit.
The competition drew many teams from all over the country. This year students were tasked with building and flying high-powered rockets, each carrying a complex scientific or engineering payload and flying over 4,000 feet above the ground. The rockets needed to land safely and be fully recovered. Harrison Rocketry Team successfully completed the eight-month project with NASA.
Harrison NY Rocketry Team is led by Harrison High School students Morgan Remeza, founder and leader of the team, and Alissa Remeza, co-founder and co-leader of the team. Both students have been active in rocketry for years. They also led the team in community services, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) outreach, and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) donations to Harrison first responders.