Bundle up for a few more weeks of Winter!
Westchester County is gearing up for six more weeks of winter as Muscoot Farm’s weather-predicting chicken, Cluxatawney Henrietta, did not lay an egg at this morning’s Groundhog Day celebration at the farm.
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Now in its seventh year, Muscoot Farm’s annual Groundhog Day festivity offers a fun twist on tradition with kid-friendly activities, treats and a unique weather prediction by one of the beloved farm’s own residents.
Westchester County Executive Ken Jenkins said, “Cluxatawney Henrietta has become a true Groundhog Day icon in Westchester County. The excitement and buzz surrounding our hometown hen’s annual weather prediction is simply unbeatable.”
Westchester County Parks Commissioner Kathy O’Connor said, “Muscoot Farm’s Groundhog Day celebration has grown into one of the County’s most adored traditions, bringing joy and fun to residents of all ages year after year.”
Muscoot Farm Director Jonathon Benjamin said, “Who needs a groundhog when we have Cluxatawney Henrietta? Our spirited fine-feathered forecaster steps up to the challenge every time, proving she can outshine groundhogs across the nation with her unique weather-predicting talents!”