Muscoot Farm Director Jonathon Benjamin with Cluxatawney Henrietta

Deputy County Executive Ken Jenkins, 2nd left, County Legislator Erica Pierce, 3rd left, Board of Legislators Chair Vedat Gashi, right, celebrate an early spring forecast at Muscoot
Westchester County can EGG-spect an early spring as its feathered forecaster, Cluxatawney Henrietta, laid an egg this morning, signaling an early spring!
For its sixth year, Muscoot Farm hosted its annual Groundhog Day celebration, featuring kid-friendly activities and treats, and its unique way of observing Groundhog Day by relying on one of its very own farm animals to predict the weather.
Westchester County Executive George Latimer said, “Cluxatawney Henrietta has become synonymous with Groundhog Day in Westchester County. The anticipation every year of our hometown hen predicting the weather is unmatched.”
Westchester County Parks Commissioner Kathy O’Connor said, “Muscoot Farm’s Groundhog Day celebration has become one of the County’s most popular traditions and is fun for residents of all ages to participate in.”
Muscoot Farm Director Jonathon Benjamin said, “Cluxatawney Henrietta continues to rise to the challenge as our weather predicting animal as we don’t have a groundhog on the farm. She gives groundhogs across the country a run for their money every year!”