Mt. Vernon City Comptroller candidate Derickson K. Lawrence is the Plaintiff in a lawsuit to prevent the illegal transfer, by Mount Vernon City Council, of emergency federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds that circumvent the Office of the Comptroller and will be directed to the Board of Water Supply. Yesterday, Judge Susan Cacace of Westchester Supreme Court signed my Order to Show Cause.
“We live in a democracy based on the consent of the governed,” said Derickson K. Lawrence, candidate for Comptroller of the City of Mount Vernon and Plaintiff in a case against the City of Mount Vernon. “I bring this action on behalf of the tired and frustrated taxpayers of Mount Vernon, to bring order to the disorder, and to promote responsible receipt and transparent use of ARP funds in a way that will meet:
The short-and long-term financial needs of City of Mt. Vernon, the federal guidance on the use of the ARP funds, and the terms of the Mount Vernon City Charter and New York State Law. This legislation as it’s written, as of April 28, 2021, violates local and state laws and does not serve the public interest. As such, it cannot and will not stand.”
Lawrence held a press conference last week to discuss and highlight his legal challenge.