Megyn Kelly Says DeSantis Can’t Beat Trump

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” interviewed journalist and host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” Megyn Kelly last month, and Kelly gave her honest assessment of a hypothetical republican Presidential battle between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.

“I don’t think anyone else can win if Trump runs. He sucks up all the energy in any room, and even someone as skilled a politician and someone as smart policy wise as DeSantis doesn’t stand a chance,” said Kelly.

“The only way DeSantis is going to become the Republican nominee is if Trump chooses not to run and endorses him or dies.”

Let’s say DeSantis beats Trump in a primary. Do you think the MAGA Trump hard core base will abandon Trump? They won’t-they like DeSantis but they don’t think its his turn. They think that Trump was screwed out the last eleciton and they think he deserves another shot at it.

When Rubin told Kelly “there is a certain portion of the republican base that would rather burn everything down if its not Trump,” Kelly added, “a huge portion of the hard core Trump base is unshakeable. They would never cross Trump for him (DeSantis) and they think DeSantis owes his political career to Trump.”

“DeSantis can’t take him down. It’s like War Games, the only winning move is not to play. DeSantis has to be crowned by Trump or he shouldn’t run.”