By Eric Wolf Schoen
Have you had a hard time getting prescription drugs prescribed by your physician? Apparently many people have across a wide range of drugs. Pharmacies are telling customers popular drugs are on back order, some for weeks.
Are we gonna blame this on the Pandemic? Are we at the point in this country that we are running out of drugs people need. And if your doctor orders a prescription from one pharmacy and they don’t have it, they can’t by law send it to another pharmacy to be filled. Even transferring a prescription from one CVS to another CVS is against the law. If the prescription is for 60 pills and the pharmacy only has 10, you lose the remainder of the prescription.
The pharmacist cannot substitute one drug for another without doctor permission. And there are many drugs out there very similar in nature that the pharmacists know are substitutable.
Is this crazy or what? Granted some people misuse the drugs they are given and take advantage of the system, but there are many more who don’t and need the prescribed drugs for serious conditions.
This broken system has been brought to my attention by several readers and requires action by the New York Legislature and the governing body for pharmacists in New York State. Let’s get to it before someone gets seriously sick.
What would you expect from the tin can that was bringing passengers to the bottom of the ocean to the Titanic. The ship has no certifications and many warned that it was dangerous. Do I feel sorry for the people who lost their lives? Of course!
But they knew what they were getting involved with and they knew the danger. And I am sure someone went over the details of the craft they were boarding.
As an aside what were they expecting to find. A dirty, water soaked napkin? A bathroom curtain with the words Titanic on it? Leonardo Dicaprio? Any body would have disintegrated after of so many years.
There are rumors that one of the passengers got a discount to fill the seat. Another rumor has a passenger pulling out at the last minute and one of the deceased filling in. We will actually never know. .
But I got furious when they added the 5 passengers to the count of the people who died when the original boat sank. These 5 people were on an adventure, better yet call it a joy trip on their excursion. It wasn’t like they were on an adventure to collect artifacts or do scientific experiments. Their numbers should never be added to those who legitimately died when the boat sank.
Let’s hope that the government puts in regulations to stop this stupidity from happening again. And I hope the taxpayers don’t get stuck paying the bill for the recovery for people who should seek another means to get their thrills.
So another Gay Pride month of June was come to an end. Kudos to those Yonkers folks involved with Yonkers Pride for the usual phenomenal job. I watched the colorful New York Pride on television. Every year it seems to get bigger with more spectators.
Statistic show 60-70% of the population support gay rights. That doesn’t include conversations with 2 year olds about sex changes. If a library or school has Drag Bingo, parents have every right to request their child not participate if they don’t want the child to. Parents I hope are reviewing the books their children are reading. If the book is objectionable to the parent they have every right not to have the child read it. No one is forcing anything on children.
Same goes from Drag Reading Hour. A parent has the right to request that his or her child not participate in the program. No one is forcing. LGBTQ issues on young children, but a school should have the resources if the issue comes up to deal with it.
While I think the Los Angelas Dodgers inviting a so called religious group to deface the cross is terrible, you have the right to support the team or not. A big deal was made this year about Pride merchandise being sold at Target and Kohls. Fact is these companies have had front of store displays with Pride merchandise for many years. You don’t want it you don’t buy it. It’s as simple as that.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has staked his claim in the Republican primary on opposition to Gay rights. He has clashed with Disney. Parents have the right to take their children to a Disney park or movie. Disney is a big company. I stake my bet on Disney and think DeSantis has picked the wrong mouse to play with.
Briefs: when I grow up I want to be a Weather Forecaster or Meteorologist. They predicted that it would ‘rain on the parade’ all weekend and in Yonkers and Manhattan there was not a drop to drink. How can they get it wrong and keep their jobs?
The New State Legislature has a proposal before it to keep medical debt off credit reports. Smart move!
Hunter Biden lied on this gun permit and failed to pay taxes. And what did he get? Probation. It’s amazing How he got off with such a light sentence. Bet you or I in the same situation would get more severe punishment.
Trump claimed that he put an ‘end to Roe v. Wade. Yes, he did appoint Supreme Court Justices who overturned the decision. The question remains what is the American public going to do in the voting booth. I predict that the vast majority who support The right to choose are going to make their voices heard loud and clear.
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. Reach him at thistooisyonkers@aol.com.