By Dan Murphy
Mayor Mike Spano delivered his 10th, State of the City address on March 23, proudly proclaiming to the people of New York’s 3rd largest city that Yonkers has survived the COVID pandemic and is moving forward on all parts of a citys well being and quality of life. Spano’s address looked back on his ten years as Mayor, which coincides with the progress Yonkers has seen during the same period, but also highlighted new initiatives, and looked to a bright future for New York State’s third largest city.
Unstoppable, was the theme of Mayor Spano’s 2022 State of the City address. Spano closed out the two year pandemic that gripped Yonkers, New York State and our nation, as “A chapter that unifies us
rather than divides.”
Spano also pointed to the educational sucesses that Yonkers has seen under his leadership. “Thanks to the ongoing collaboration with our talented Yonkers Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Quezada, our schools opened their doors for five-days a week instruction this past September. Since
then, our District distributed over 75,000 COVID-19 PCR tests, facilitated 27 vaccination sites and conducted weekly surveillance testing in every school. And over the course of the pandemic, Yonkers Schools closed the digital divide that the pandemic only highlighted, by purchasing close to 13,000
Chromebooks, laptops and iPads.
More impressive is how our students persisted during these very turbulent times. Quarantines, illness, remote learning and masks did not deter them from success. And the numbers prove it. Once again, I am proud to share that our graduation rates continue to rise. Ninety point seven percent of the Class of 2021 graduated – making Yonkers the first and only Big 5 City District in New York to accomplish such an achievement. And 52% of those graduates earned Advanced Designation diplomas. Ladies and gentlemen, in just 10 years, Yonkers Public Schools has increased its graduation rate from 72 to 90%
— an increase of 18%,” said Spano, who delivered his address in the auditorium at Lincoln High School, which had just completed a $3 Million renovation. This decision to deliver the SOC at LHS was a good one, it highlighted the Mayor’s rebuilding of the Yonkers Public schools while at the same time, providing a modern, hi-tech aspect to the speech.
Spano pointed to the rebuild Yonkers schools effort, which is “finally seeing the fruits of our advocacy efforts. I was incredibly proud to recently stand alongside many of you as we broke ground on the new
Justice Sonia Sotomayor Community School on McLean Avenue – the first new Yonkers Public School constructed in over 20 years.”
“Black and brown students make up 75% of our Yonkers Public Schools. It’s time to update the names of the schools to better reflect the accomplishments of the notable members in these communities.
I am happy to announce that later this school year, the Yonkers Board of Ed officially will rename Palisades Prep to The Barack Obama School for Social Justice. And rename School 13 to The Mirabal Sisters Community School. These invincible, dedicated leaders who overcame great political and social strife and
are symbols of what our students can become and aspire to be.”
Spano pointed to factual data showing that crime is down in Yonkers. “Unlike the spike in crime seen across the nation, Yonkers is bucking the trend. Crime in Yonkers is down 10% since this time last year. And not only are we one of the top safest cities in America, but we are the safest Big City in all of New York State. But probably the most impressive stat to share with you is we are down a remarkable 44% in crime since we took office 10 years ago.
“Our police department is also diversifying its presence in our neighborhoods. Last year, I told you how we invested in our recruitment efforts to develop a more diverse pool of candidates for the next generation of Yonkers police officers. I am happy to report that 56% of those who qualify to be hired, selfidentified as minority for the 2021 test. And of those who took our specialized test prep class, “Be the Change,” 58% of them scored well enough to be hired in the coming years.”
Other topics in the State of the City address:
Energy Costs:
I am proud to say that the City of Yonkers is here to help protect you from the brunt of these increases. The introduction of Westchester Power to our residents this month allows you to lock in a competitive fixed rate on clean energy, for the next 18 months, with options to join or leave the program at
any time. We are eliminating the fear of awaiting your monthly Con Ed bill – with the added benefit of knowing you’re helping green our electric grid.
“But maybe one of our greatest investments in protecting your wallet this year is acknowledging our evolving power sources. Since 2019, electric car sales have tripled and are expected to rise another 30% by 2025. To offset our reliance on natural gas and encourage the use of cleaner, greener energy,
Yonkers is increasing the installation of electric charging stations across the city by another 100. That’s real progress.
Population increase: Hollywood on Hudson
“As of the 2020 census, Yonkers beat out Rochester to become the Third Largest City in New York State. Please be sure to add that to your elevator pitch about how great Yonkers is! While I love to brag about our newest claim to fame, it’s important to realize it’s more than a witty slogan. With 211,000 residents strong, our rising population affords us opportunities to better fund our schools, infrastructure,
healthcare and social programs.
“However, the 2020 Census didn’t reveal anything we didn’t already know – and that is Yonkers is undergoing an unprecedented economic revitalization with nearly $5 billion in private investment in the last 10 years. And despite a global pandemic that paralyzed our nation, Yonkers emerged stronger, and at
year’s end, proudly boasted a 3.6% unemployment rate – the lowest in over 30 years and the lowest among the State’s Big 5 Cities. Proving again, despite all odds, we are unstoppable!
“With the opening of Lionsgate last month and the completion of Phase 2 expected in 2023, Yonkers
will be home to the largest modern production campus in the Northeast, with over one million square feet of production space and 12 giant stages.
“We want to make sure that when the tide goes up, the boats go up along with it – and that means jobs for our residents. Under the leadership of Great Point Studios CEO and President Robert Halmi, Lionsgate
expects 75% of their new hires to be from Yonkers. And they are well on their way to hit that number. When all is complete, upwards of 2,000 jobs will be created.
Affordable Housing:
While the City Council and I are still working to improve upon the 10% existing Affordable Housing Ordinance, we promise you that Yonkers will maintain its status as state leader in affordable housing construction and adopt one of the most comprehensive ordinances in the nation. Nothing can
stop us! You will see an additional 500 new affordable units for our working families. In addition to the 1,000 units that we’ve already built since 2013.”
“There are approximately 10,000 Ukrainian Americans in Westchester, with roughly 25% being
immigrants – many of whom call Yonkers their home. The war in Ukraine is unimaginable, and the devastation is beyond comprehension. The images say it all. This is personal to us.
Let there be no mistake: Yonkers Stands with Ukraine. Ukrainians, along with so many other ethnic groups, make up the true fabric of who we are in Yonkers.”
New Initiatives:
A new school for 500 middle and high school students with a focus on film and media, to be built in conjunction with Great Point Studios in the Ludlow neighborhood.
10 new police officers coming to the YPD
Another film announcement to Hollywood on the Hudson coming this year
“Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no stopping Yonkers in our quest for greatness. Our journey isn’t over yet in Yonkers. We’ve already done so much together, but I know the full potential of our city is yet to be seen. We will continue to work together to make Yonkers’ best days stand before us.”
Some believed that this was Mayor Spano’s best speech yet. It emcompassed the past ten years in Yonkers under his watch, but also pointed to the future. One elected official in attendance said, “It was a clean, crisp delivery by the Mayor, who never went off script and seemed very comfortable in going over his achievements. This was a speech that said, we made it through COVID Yonkers. The last 10 years have been good but look out for our future.”
Another Yonkers democrat said, “I think this speech also told us that he could have a fourth term if he wanted it. He’s a member of the family for many in Yonkers. I know he doesn’t want it, but I hope he reconsiders. He has done such a good job, we don’t want him to leave.”