(L-R): William Serratore, Yonkers Office of Sustainability; Deanna Robinson, representing Yonkers Councilmember Shanae Williams; Jason Baker, Yonkers Department of Public Works; Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano; Tasha Diaz, Yonkers City Council Majority Leader; Thomas Meier, Yonkers Department of Public Works Commissioner. Photo by Maurice Mercado
Mayor Mike Spano joined Yonkers Department of Public Works (DPW) Commissioner Thomas Meier to launch the City’s expanding recycling initiative that now includes backyard composting bins for residents. Starting today, backyard composters are available to residents at the Yonkers Recycling Center, located at 735 Saw Mill River Road. “Expanding our recycling program to include residential backyard composters is an important measure that will enable Yonkers household members to directly participate in further reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions,” said Mayor Mike Spano.
“My family composts in our yard, and I encourage other households to do the same in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. Let’s continue to be leaders in creating a cleaner, greener, more sustainable Yonkers.”
Yonkers backyard composting bins can be used for cardboard, leaves, grass clippings, annual plants, wood ashes, and other organic yard waste, as well as for vegetable and fruit peelings, and coffee grounds. Compost from backyard composting typically is ready in two to six months. Compost can be used as a soil amendment or as mulch and provides essential nutrients that promote healthy plant growth.
The City of Yonkers launched its successful home food scrap recycling program in 2022, offering residents household food scrap recycling kits for use in storing and dropping off food scraps at the Yonkers Recycling Center. The City also recently piloted a curbside food scrap collection program for up to 200 households. Nearly 8 tons of food scraps have been diverted from the solid waste stream through the City’s food scrap program since May of this year. The new Backyard Composting program provides residents another convenient option for composting organic waste. According to the US EPA, food waste and yard trimmings represent approximately 33% of total municipal solid waste.
“Through our composting program, we are removing food and yard waste from the solid waste stream and reducing the amount of waste that would otherwise be disposed of through trash incineration,” said Yonkers Public Works Commissioner Tom Meier. “I encourage residents to take part in food scrap recycling and backyard composting to help protect our environment, save taxpayer dollars and receive the benefit of free, high quality compost that builds healthy soil and resiliency.”
Food Scrap Collection Kits ($20) and Backyard Compost Bins ($15) are available for purchase by Yonkers residents at the Yonkers Recycling Center, at 735 Saw Mill River Road, Mondays – Saturdays, 7:30am-4:15pm. As part of the kick-off of the new Backyard Composting program, a limited supply of Backyard Composters will be offered at no cost. For more information on Yonkers Backyard Composting program, including instructions for setting up a Backyard Compost container, compostable items, and tips for successful backyard composting, visit www.yonkersny.gov/backyardcompost.
For information on the City’s Food Scrap Recycling program, visit www.yonkersny.gov/foodscraps.