Manhattanville College has announced plans for its Spring semester, saying it will continue to conduct a mix of in-person and remote learning classes beginning February 1. The Interim Provost of the college announced the plans last week in an announcement sent to the Manhattanville community.
“As we approach the midpoint of the Fall semester and look toward the Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to tell you how very grateful I am for the dedication and hard work shown by our students, staff, and faculty since the campus reopened, adhering to safety guidelines and offering support to one another,” said Interim Provost Christine Dehne, M.F.A. “We expect to begin instruction for the Spring semester on Monday, February 1. Classes will begin remotely for two weeks with the first day of in-person instruction planned for Monday, February 15.”
Dehne also announced that there will be no Spring Break this academic year. This is part of an effort to reduce traveling outside the area and therefore potentially reducing the risk of exposure to coronavirus. In lieu of Spring Break, the college will schedule two “Valiant Days” with no classes when students will be encouraged to get out and enjoy the outdoors.
Residential students will move in the weekend of February 13 and 14. All residential students will be tested upon returning to campus and will be randomly tested throughout the semester. The semester will end on Friday, May 14.
“We want to assure everyone that when we return to campus in the Spring we will continue to follow all the safety protocols we developed with New York State and CDC guidance. These include social distancing, face coverings, testing, contact tracing, symptom monitoring and reporting, and for the residence halls – isolation and quarantine practices as necessary,” said Dehne. “We will continue to keep everyone informed about any changes to the calendar or other details that might impact our community this year, which could include new directives or limitations from the State of New York.”
A complete outline of the college’s safety protocols is available on the Manhattanville web site, www.mville.edu.