Letters to Yonkers Rising-Westchester Rising -Election 2020

Vote for Trump and Re-elect The President

Hunter Biden-The Elephant in the Room

As a proud union member and a republican, I support President Donald Trump and his re-election November 3. For more than 25 years, my number 1 issue has been highlighting the millions of American jobs that have been lost to China.

Those jobs, and the 55,000 American factories that have closed since NAFTA, are the cause of our American corporations betraying our country and moving to China for additional profit for their shareholders. These same corporations turned the other cheek as the Chinese Communist Party, CCP, stole our technology secrets, used slave labor to deliver product to the USA, polluted our environment and pushined any opposition, and crushed freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Donald Trump is the first American President to stand up to the CCP and try to level the playing field. We all learned first hand how important it is to make some products in the USA during the continuing COVID Pandemic.
Now there are reports that Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, the democratic nominee for President, made millions from the CCP. Anyone who doesn’t see this as a bribe by the CCP to try and influence Biden if he becomes President, is misinformed.

And the former vice-president hasn’t answered any questions about his son, and that is a mistake. The very few undecided voters left in the Presidential election would like Biden to answer honestly.

Most of the media has ignored the Hunter Biden story, and that is also a mistake. Kimberly Strassel, from the Wall Street Journal, suggested that if he wants to be elected President answer the following: Are you “big guy”? While Chinese money never materialized, were u at one point–via a Hunter–in line to have an equity share? Did you meet with Hunter’s partner? How does any this comport with your claims to not talk business with Hunter?

It was also a mistake for Twitter to block the Hunter Biden story because the American people wanted to read it even more after that. George Stephanopolis didn’t ask Uncle Joe this question during a 90 minute Town Hall, and that was a mistake.

Why didn’t any of the democratic candidates for President ask Joe Biden about his son and his business dealings with Russia, China, Ukraine, etc.?
Many believe that the Chinese have dumped this material out there –but aren’t the Chinese against Trump? You can be sure that if Biden is elected, the Chinese Communist Party, CCP, will use the damaging “laptop from hell” against President Biden.

This matter has gotten so serious, even without any coverage from most of the media, that some are speculating that Biden will have to leave office very early, for health reasons or for Hunter Biden reasons, and that Kamala Harris will become our President.

Yes we have a Coronavirus, and yes it is a disaster for our country, our economy and our people. But I ask you, and you can look this letter up in March of 2021 if we have President Biden. Are we any better off during COVID with Biden over Trump? I don’t think so.

My bottom line is I want our millions of manufacturing jobs back and I want to make it in the USA again. There may not be many workers here in our area who want a good paying job in a factory with benefits, but there are millions of Americans across the middle of our country who do want that job, and want our jobs back from China.

I can tell you this, there are millions of Americans here on the East Coast and on the West Coast who would prefer to buy Made in American products once again, especially masks, and medicines.

And that’s why I’m voting for Trump again for President. Bring Our Jobs Home and stand up to China!.

Frank Spotorno is the co-founder of BringOurJobsHome.com and co-founder of YonkersTimes.com. He was a candidate for Congress in NY-14 in 2016.


A Republican Voter for Biden -Harris

As a life-long Republican, I have supported the Presidential candidacies of Gerald Ford; Ronald Reagan; George H.W. Bush; George W. Bush, John McCain; and Mitt Romney; New York Republicans Governor George Pataki, Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg, and former County Executive Rob Astorino.

This year, however, I am crossing party lines to vote for Vice President Joseph Biden and Senator Kamala Harris.

In 2016, I supported John Kasich’s candidacy and then voted for Hillary Clinton. I believed that candidate Donald Trump did not possess the judgment nor experience required to be a successful chief executive. I had hoped that President-elect Trump would “grow into the office.”

But that has not been the case:

• He promised a national infrastructure plan; there has been none;
• He promised to reduce the nation’s budget deficits and national debt – they have greatly increased;
• He promised to “drain the swamp;” instead, he has presided over one of the most corrupt administrations in history;
• He has effectively abandoned our NATO allies in favor of Russia’s President Putin;

And most important, he has misled our nation about the dangers of the Covid19; his Administration’s response has been weak;

Biden and Harris have put forward centrist, practical proposals to deal with our nation’s problems. They will bring about a government of national unity that will restore respect for the US among our allies; re-affirm the rule of law; and begin the process of healing so desperately needed in our nation.

Please join me and thousands of Republicans in electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Don’t forget to vote. It’s too important not to this year.

Stephen R. Rolandi, Larchmont.


Letter to the Editor: Afraid to put

up Trump signs in Westchester

Mr. Murphy, I heard the following on the radio and was wondering if you thoutht it was true. It would be more popular to put up a sign for Chiinese President Xi that to put up a lawn sign for President Trump in Westchester.

I read your story a while back and took a trip up to Carmel, to the Trump tent, and saw all of the signs and banners for sale. But down here in Westchester i can’t find any. I will be voting for the President in person November 3,

sincerely Dorris Delaney, Croton.

Editor’s Note: Dorris, thanks for the note. I have seen Trump signs and banners in northern Westchester, but I would agree that in my travels across the rest of the county, i have not seen any Trump signs. Your thought about putting up a Chinese Community Party-President Xi sign is a funny one, I haven’t seen any of those signs in Westchester either.


Donald Trump has portrayed and described himself as a “successful businessman”, as a “self-made billionaire”, and a real estate developer. Trump falsely described and hid his origins and sources of family funds. Millions of people actually know and experience him as a swindler, a con man, a grifter, as a fraud, and as someone who lies, almost continually.
Trump lies so often, that when Trump looks into a mirror, even his mirror lies to him.

Since Trump swore on January 20, 2017, to “execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” Donald Trump has lied more than 20,000 times. Trump has not “preserved, protected and defended the Constitution of the United States”, but has worked tirelessly to promote business deals that line the pockets of himself and his family, and his business cronies and political contributors. Trump serves himself.

Yes, Trump donates and deducts his annual salary, $100,000 each quarter to four different government agencies, and for that receives a charitable deduction, while Trump charged taxpayers nearly $500,000 for Secret Service protection at his resorts. Since becoming President, Trump has golfed more than 283 days, and spent more than 376 times at one of his own Trump properties, at a cost of @ $142,000,000.That’s 142 Million dollars. (https://presidentialgolftracker.com/) Not begrudging Trump an occasional round of golf, but Trump favoring ONLY His own resorts forces US, the US taxpayer, to shovel money into Trump’s failing businesses. (https://www.trumpgolfcount.com/)

We learned Tuesday that in 2018 Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago club charged taxpayers $3 for each glass of water served for a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shonzo Abe, $13,700 for rooms, $16,500 for food and wine, and $6,000 for flowers. Trump charges the US Treasury for every Secret Service agent staying at his clubs. Trump charged the Treasury $650 per day for each and every Secret Service agent to stay at his Bedminster NJ club, and at Mar-a-Lago, even on days when no agent was on premises. Trump charged US for every golf cart used to ferry himself and the agents around the golf course, according to Congressional Oversight committees.

Trump’s lies have caused Americans to become sick, to acquire COVID-19, and hundreds of thousands have DIED because of his lies. Despite who we elect President on Tuesday, we have a tough road to travel. The damage Trump has done to US is his and will continue. Trump’s plans and policies have failed and will continue to fail to keep US healthy. Choosing former Vice President Biden, who already experienced managing pandemics, offers us a far better outcome of health and life returning to normal.

The United States maintained an office and lab in China for 30 years prior to 2019. Imagine that!!! China allowed a foreign country, US, to maintain our own staff, our handpicked employees, and conduct tests on possible biological problems developing in their country, since the 1980s. But Donald Trump cut the funding and dismissed 33 of the 47 employees, and in July 2019, cut the remaining US employee — just four months before the COVID-19 problem started.

Trump was first notified of the emerging problem in Wuhan, China, in November, 2019. But the US had no eyes on the ground and no access in China due to Trump’s short-sighted cuts. But Trump did nothing. Trump saved a few thousand dollars, but cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Trump was again alerted several times in December, 2019 to the developing problem in Wuhan. Trump did nothing.

Senior staff again alerted Trump several more times in January 2020 to a growing pandemic, but Trump did nothing, until January 30th, when Trump called for partial travel restrictions. It was not a “travel ban” as some want you to believe. It exempted Americans, their family members, and Trump’s deep pocketed donors and business people who wanted to move themselves, their families and friends.

Trump said Democrats “loudly criticized and protested” his announced travel restrictions, and falsely claimed they “called me a racist because I made that decision.” None of the Democratic Party’s congressional leaders and none of the Democratic candidates then running for president had directly criticized Trump’s decision, and no one called him a “racist”. Only Trump referred to himself as a “Racist.” Trump announced that his travel restrictions would not take place for three more days, until February 2nd.
Trump’s announced travel restrictions had gaping loopholes, big enough to allow 40,000 Chinese to arrive in America the month after his ineffective travel restrictions were announced.

A confirmed Coronavirus case arrived in the US and South Korea at about the same time in January 2020. South Korea, with its population of 55 million, to date has had less than 500 deaths, while the US, which has six times the population of South Korea, has suffered almost 9 million infections and 231,045 deaths. (South Korea had 460 deaths and 26,043 infections as of Monday, October 26).

The major differences were responsible, caring leaders and effective leadership, unlike Trump, who resisted allowing and funding a national test and trace program. Friday, October 23, more than 83,000 NEW Covid cases were recorded, the most ever, yet Trump falsely claimed again that the US is “rounding the turn” on the pandemic, which Trump has said 37 of the last 55 days.

Instead of taking effective health and isolation measures, Trump decided on no plan. The actual average Covid-19 death rate across all ages and comorbidities is now 2.7%, meaning @ 3% of 325 million Americans will die, unless a vaccine declared both safe and effective is administered very soon. However, best estimates are that a vaccine will not be available until next summer. How much time and effort will be required to vaccinate at least 200 million Americans, some of whom are unwilling to take a vaccine after Trump has fulfilled his selfish mission of casting doubt?

Other countries whose leadership mandated widespread mask wearing have already reopened their economies, with a careful eye on infection rates. Trump’s arrogance prevented him from learning.
Trump’s MAGA slogan: Make America GRAVE Again.

Please, understand that even Donald Trump knew he was in way over his head in running for President. Numerous published reports cite friends and advisors saying that Trump ran for President only as an inexpensive way to get free publicity to promote himself and his “brand”. Trump never truly wanted to be President but desperately and pathetically needs to hear people cheering him

I hope that Americans realize that this experiment of the majority being ruled by the minority, and this National Adventure of hiring a bully, a racist, a lying self-promoter who is unfortunately an arrogant, ignorant and uneducated man – and proud of it – is over. Giving the incompetent a chance with such an important and critical responsibility was not a wise idea.

Electing someone other than Trump will cause new paths to be taken resulting in better outcomes. A majority of primary voters selected Joe Biden as the candidate most trusted to pull US from this national nightmare.

VOTE on Tuesday November 3, or earlier. Place our country above party, place our country ahead of our selfish interests, and VOTE as if your life depends on it- because your life, your health, and the health and well-being of your loved ones, family and friends depend upon it.

Robert Kalfus, Yonkers


As a life long resident of Yonkers I hope that Judge Tom Daly is re-elected to the Yonkers City Court as it’s Chief Justice! With over 21 years as a Yonkers Judge he has tremendous experience and know how to keep the system fair and balanced.

With the Covid-19 pandemic it is important to have a judge like Tom on the Court with his vast experience during these challenging uncharted times ahead!

His work in the Family Court and the Intergraded Domestic Violence Court (15 years) is un-parelled and trend setting especially when he looks out for the rights of battered wives and woman and families!

I urge all residents of Yonkers to vote for Tom Daly! Come out and vote! This is a real important election We must have law and order at all times!

If we do not have law and order we sadly do not have a society. I think Judge Daly is up for this task and that is why we need him on the bench for years to come! Vote for Judge Daly on Tuesday November 3rd
and of course in all early voting too! Thank You.

Phil Foley
Member Yonkers Conservative Party
Contributor to the Yonkers Rising.