Letters to the Editor: Will Yonkers Opt-Out of Marijuana Dispensiaries, Cafes; Support for Patel in Yorktown

Letter to the Editor:

Mr. Murphy,

I like reading your stories and coverage of Yonkers online at YonkersTimes.com where I can also read your coverage of Westchester County.

My question to you is, having read about all of the towns and villages in Westchester that have decided to “Opt-Out” of permitting marijuana dispensiaries and cafes in their community, I wonder what decision will be made in Yonkers?

If I understand your stories about Marijuana legalization, a community has to Opt-Out before Dec. 31 or else they have Opted-In by default.

Have you heard anything about what the Mayor and the City Council plan on doing on this subject?


Colleen Duffy, Yonkers


I have been reading about what happened in Yorktown with the GOP and some bozo shouting out that democratic councilman Vishnu Patal was a “Sand N-word.” What a disgrace! I wonder what would happen in Yonkers if something like that was said, or even worse if someone had a photo taken holding a confederate flag.

Any thoughts?

Janet Antonucci, Yonkers