Letters to the Editor: Westchester Rising-Yonkers Rising-Yonkerstimes.com


A leading government watchdog organization has uncovered a plan by Washington D.C. officials to allow ILLEGAL ALIENS to vote in the upcoming D.C elections.
They found that materials will be presented and/or provided at the training sessions, Communications and advertising/promoting the training, materials provided to participants/attendees after the training.
This a blatant attempt by the current administration to “swing” the election, keeping them in power, by legally stealing the citizens votes.!!
What, if anything is our “sleeping Congress” going to do about this. !!!

Joe Pettit
Yorktown Heights
Source: The Judicial Watch Verdict, August Edition

Dear The Yonkers Times,

I’m a teacher who is angry about the lack of action on climate.
I’m writing to urge your editorial board to endorse Kamala Harris for president – and specifically, to make the case for her as a climate champion.
President Biden did more than any other president in history to combat the climate crisis, from securing the passage of the historic Inflation Reduction Act to launching the American Climate Corps to pausing exports of super-warming LNG. But the work is not done. We still have a long way to go to halve our emissions by 2030 and eliminate them by 2050 – the hard-and-fast targets science demands in order to stabilize our climate.
This is perhaps the single biggest reason we must elect Kamala Harris this November: so that she can FINISH THE JOB on climate.
Kamala Harris has a proven track record on climate. She will build on Biden’s climate legacy and fight for a livable future for our children and grandchildren. Trump, on the other hand, is a proven Planet-Destroyer-In-Chief who will reverse all that Biden accomplished and “Drill, Baby, Drill”.
Your readers need to understand that this is the stark choice we face. Please use your editorial power to make the case for Kamala Harris as the climate president we desperately need.

Jen Horowitz
New Rochelle

Dear The Yonkers Times,

I’m a mother who grieves the loss of the natural world.
I am writing to urge you to cover the significant differences in climate policy between the 2024 Democratic and Republican party platforms. Having informed voters is crucial for a healthy democracy, and as a leading news source, you have the power to share this critical information.
The 2024 Republican Party Platform notably lacks any mention of climate change. Instead, it promotes increased production of oil, gas, and coal.
In contrast, the draft 2024 Democratic Party Platform outlines a robust climate strategy, including scaling up solar, wind, and geothermal projects via the Inflation Reduction Act and investing in clean energy R&D. President Biden aims to expand the clean energy workforce, triple the American Climate Corps by the decade’s end, and ensure clean energy jobs are accessible to marginalized communities.
Reporting on these stark differences will help voters make informed decisions about the future of our nation’s climate policy.
Thank you for considering this important topic.

Rhonda Miller