State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins is either in denial or completely disconnected with reality. Senator Stewart-Cousins was featured on the same newspaper cover as, Democrat Mayor Mike Spano and Police Commissioner Mueller. The Mayor and Commissions were asking for changes to the disastrous “Bail Reform”.
Senator Stewart-Cousins, instead of listening to our concerns for the illconceived “no” bail law, suggested that such criticism is, “a Republican National Coordinated Fear Campaign.” To say that her comment is ridiculous is an understatement.
Recently, the management of the drug store chain Rite-Aid came before the Democrat Super Majority City Council and plead for help in dealing with the unprecedented rise in shoplifting. As their security
manager explained: the repeat offenders demonstrate complete disregard for the law now that there are no consequences for their behavior. Even if apprehended by the police, the “Bail Reform” revolving door encourages them to return and strike again!
After listening to those on the ground, the Yonkers City Council unanimously, Democrats and Republicans, passed a Resolution in which it asked the New York State Senate and Assembly to “create stronger laws to deter such actions, particularly with respect to arrest, bail, prosecution and sentencing.”
Most recently, there have been multiple “smash and grab” robberies here in Westchester. Some of these incidents have been documented by video and shared across social media. In one such video, a store clerk tried physically to stop the robbery from happening. Thankfully, the sales clerk wasn’t hurt.
Perhaps the Senate Leader should inform those who witnessed the aggressive robbery that they have nothing to be afraid of other than “a Republican Fear Campaign.” It’s just a matter of time before such
an incident has a tragic ending.
Andrea Stewart-Cousins is so out of touch. She doesn’t acknowledge or appear to care about the effects such behavior has on law abiding citizens, especially in lower income areas.
We, the Yonkers Republican Party, call on Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins to come down from her ivy tower and listen to common sense folks, regardless of party affiliation. She and those who gave us this
irresponsible legislation should admit their mistake and go back to the drawing board.
Fix “Bail Reform” and stop playing politics with our safety and learn to admit when your policies fail. No “Fear Campaign” intended.
Yonkers Republican Party, John Larkin Chairman
To the Editor: Open Letter to State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins
After reading a front page article about you in the February 18 issue of Yonkers Rising, I think I may have some insight as to your wrong thinking, misguided, withering ignorance of reality. It appears that you are either incapable or unwilling to realize that even so called non-violent crimes have very real victims.
Furthermore, these victims can be individuals but they can also be entire communities. For just a few moments, try stepping out of your role as an elite politico who is well guarded and protected. Try walking in the shoes of a store owner who is trying to earn an honest buck but who, courtesy of so called bail reform, is being ripped off repeatedly by shoplifters who, even if caught, will rapidly be back on the street ready, willing and able to victimize the stores again. How about home owners whose homes are vandalized repeatedly but feel that the damage inflicted is considered of such low priority that they stop trying to repair the damage or move away? How about those motorists whose cars have been targeted for theft of catalytic converters and now have to pay out hundreds of dollars to replace the stolen parts? Don’t bother to ponder about the ramifications to individuals and/or families. What happens if John or Jane Doe can’t get to a job for which they must be present?
Did anyone say first responders, bus drivers, train conductors? How about that grocery shopping or getting the kids to and from school? How about providing transportation for elderly family members to and from medical providers? How about others who believe that they are entitled to urinate and defecate on the streets when they are not harassing others for money? What about any of the above situations that are not deemed as violent crimes but undermine the quality of life of a community, further burden families and erode a feeling of public safety?
What about any scenario in which contempt for the law is fostered by refusing to hold individuals accountable for their anti-social, socially corrosive, threatening behaviors? Furthermore how is it that in many, many cases,reported in the news, those individuals who do get arrested for violent crimes, often times have extensive rap sheets featuring violent criminal actions for which time served has been so minimal that they are back out on the street further victimizing the law abiding in a disgustingly short period of time? You see, Andrea when you and your political accomplices, establish an environment where criminals readily inflict a reign of terror upon the law abiding because they have been empowered by misguided, wrong thinking, counterproductive legislation such as so called Bail Reform and Raise the Age Law then civilization is under siege. Speaking of Raise the Age legislation, let me offer you a little advice. Try not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when adolescent gang members start shooting without giving a damn in hell who gets killed in the cross fire.
In conclusion, Andrea and to all of your fellow political enablers who have unleashed an attitude and reality of lawlessness, I have a question. Is there a certain body count of crime victims (killed or wounded) and/or quota of human suffering that has to be realized before maybe, just maybe you might even consider attempting to reverse the irreparable harm which your wrong thinking, misguided, withering ignorance has inflicted upon the law abiding? By the way, if you’re thinking of playing the race card in response, a while back Dermot Shea, the former Police Commissioner of New York City stated that 93% of the victims of violent crime in NYC (and I think non-violent crime as well) were black and brown. I doubt that those numbers have changed much. Since you have jeopardized the safety and quality of life of the law abiding of all races, all identity groups (with the exception of those who can be correctly identified as professional criminals) then who is it that you represent?
Jerry Longarzo, Yonkers
To The Editor:
Thanks to your coverage of what happened at The Westchester Mall. While it is not an indication at all about how safe it is to live in our county, I do agree that we, the taxpayers, have a right to know.
I have read some reports that the lack of response from security to alert the White Plains Police was the reason why they got away. I know that you included in your story that security is not supposed to try and apprehend those committing crimes, but couldn’t the guard on video have called 911?
Sincerely, Julianne Commisso, White Plains
Letter to the Editor:
While I don’t agree with your coverage of what has happened in Lakeland Schools and DEI education, I would say that any idiot who said the words to the Superintendent or Uncle Tom, or How German of You, is not helping the cause of those who want to challenge and oppose DEI. It is very similary to what happened in Washington DC. The morons who attacked the Capitol hurt the cause if they supported President Trump, and his chances in 2024. Control yourselves please!
Phillip Nelson, Cortlandt Manor