Letters to the Editor:


A distinguished historical novelist, author of six N.Y Times best sellers, who has appeared on major news TV, as well as giving hundreds of interviews on presidential politics, the economy, and Iran, in one of his novels, he wrote, ”I explored how the ACLU has twisted the first Amendment and Thomas Jefferson’s articulation of a “wall of separation” between church and state to transform what previous generations of Americans believe can only be “freedom from religion”. In my book I argued that since the end of World War II, the United States has witnessed the ACLU wage a “war on God”, determined to systematically remove any and all references to Judeo-Christian faith from our public schools and our public squares.

I was distressed when the U.S. military in 2013 threatened to court martial soldiers and chaplains for proselytizing religion to troops not initially receptive to a biblical message, despite the importance of evangelical work has always played in the historical mission of Christianity. I am especially troubled for our future when the Obama administration’s decision to abandon the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” standard for military conduct means the LGBT community is now pressing to have joining the ranks of the U.S. Military declared a Constitutional right. How long will it be before a Christian chaplain faces discipline and possibly court-martial for refusing to perform a same-sex “marriage” of two military personnel the chaplain feels violates his or her Judeo-Christian religious beliefs?

“If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.”(Plato)

Joe Pettit
Yorktown Hts.
Source-Bad Samaritans –Author-Jerome Corsi

Editor’s Note: We received several letter concerning the US Senate confirmation of Kath Patel to become FBI Director. Here is one of those letters

To the Editor:

Only weeks away from his presidential inauguration, Donald Trump continues to tack on more unqualified nominees to his incoming cabinet including Kash Patel, who if confirmed by the Senate as the new head of the FBI, could be Trump’s most dangerous nominee of all.

Trump could have nominated an FBI director who would prioritize protecting Americans, instead he nominated a MAGA loyalist.

Patel is an extreme and unqualified individual who met the only qualification that mattered to Trump: unquestionable allegiance to him over the American people.

Trump would direct the Patel-led FBI to use the nation’s law enforcement apparatus to enable his self-centered agenda and protect his billionaire friends.

Patel is motivated by political revenge, not delivering justice.. He has reiterated his blind loyalty, implying he’d use the FBI to prosecute perceived enemies and publicly threatened media figures and journalists with jail time.

Patel could steer the FBI to deem progressive organizations and certain progressive leaders as terrorists, target marginalized communities, and strike at those who don’t align with MAGA views.

Patel seeks to divide the American people instead of unite them. He lacks the judgment and temperament needed for leadership.

Our Senators must vote against Trump’s nomination of Kash Patel as FBI director. I urge my neighbors to contact Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and ask the to take leadership roles in opposing Patel’s nomination.

Respectfully, Ronald Eligator