Letters: Stop the Prop; Our Out of Control Federal Law Enforcement Agenies

Dear Editor: Stop the Prop.

Proposition 2 should be labeled “The Incumbent Protection Package”.

According to your page one story, all County Legislators now want to extend their terms from two to four years.

Their hollow arguments fail to convince me and should push my fellow Westchester residents to vote No on Prop 2.

Why can’t these Legislators provide us with clear, concise examples of the purported benefits of this radical proposal?

Sure, eliminating the number of elections results in less cost. In proportion to the County budget what is the saving percentage? I was surprised no figures as to actual savings were given by the Legislators.

The Legislators say doubling a term’s time will allow for more oversight in law-making and passage of noble legislation. Where is one single example of any resolution not being enacted because its sponsor was no longer a legislator? There is none.

Finally, the Legislators say with term extension instead of fundraising and campaigning they will have more time for policy study. To that point, one could say being a County Legislator would be a great job, if you just didn’t have to deal with voters.

John Vorperian
White Plains



This was a talk delivered to the students of a mid-western college by a noted author, attorney, firearms expert, and Special Forces combat veteran–part of what he said follows: “In March of this year Bryan Malinowski, the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock Arkansas, was killed by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Explosives (ATF), during a pre-dawn raid on his home. It was an unwarranted and indefensible killing of a kind that should never, ever, happen in a free country like the United States. Because we have a media that no longer serves in its traditional role as a government watchdog, this incident was not widely reported. Because too many members of Congress no longer take seriously their responsibility to protect the rights of those who elect them, the ATF has suffered no repercussions.”

After the killing, Malinowski’s wife was forcibly taken outside in her nightgown in 34-degree weather and kept outside for over four hours despite multiple requests to see her husband, and use the bathroom –in an audio recording from a police vehicle she can be heard sobbing, asking why they killed her husband, and insisting that the agents must have the wrong house. “

Source: Ryan Cleckner—talk delivered on July 23rd, 2024 at Hillsdale College’s Blake Center for Faith and Freedom in Somers, CT.

Joe Pettit
Yorktown Hts NY