Westchester County Court Judge Maurice Williams
Letter to the Editor:
County Court Judge Maurice Williams released without bail a low life with a lengthy rap sheet after the assailant, Johnny McCray engaged in an unprovoked attack upon a Yonkers Police Officer resulting in the Officer’s nose being broken.
That this assault took place in and of itself is extremely concerning. However, what is exponentially further alarming is that County Court Judge Maurice Williams saw fit to release the assailant without bail.
To any sane individual it should be painfully obvious that Judge Williams’ judgment is deeply flawed and as such he should be removed from the bench immediately. The Judge’s complete disregard for the harm inflicted upon the Officer and by extension to the safety of all law abiding individuals renders him unfit to serve.
The message of criminal empowerment that permitting this cowardly, criminal assailant to walk sends is beyond toxic. One can only wonder if Judge Williams were to have his nose broken in an unprovoked attack by a criminal assailant if he were to concur with a decision to release the assailant without bond?
Where I grew up in the Bronx there was a statement that spoke to the need for minimal intelligence. That statement was, “You are NOT permitted to be that stupid!”. Who gave Judge Williams that prohibited license?
Jerry Longarzo Yonkers