Dear Friends and Neighbors, Once again, I am asking for your vote!
I served on the Westchester County Board from 2020 to 2022, during the worst global pandemic in a century. Westchester elected officials worked collaboratively with businesses and local municipalities to keep residents safe and businesses open. As we rebuild, it’s a good time to consider why your vote in local elections truly matters.
My record is strong on the climate, public health (including reproductive health), and gun violence prevention, three priorities that closely align with the majority of voters in this district as well as with our youngest generation of voters.
Working with other legislators and County Executive George Latimer’s great team, I was able to advocate for funding for important Yonkers community benefit organizations doing work in youth employment, flood mitigation, pollinator pathways and Black maternal health. Partnering with our terrific state legislators, Senators Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Senator Shelley Mayer, I was able to advocate for gun safety legislation and noise mitigation legislation.
My family and I are small businessowners. Dobbs & Bishop Fine Cheese (in Bronxville and soon Scarsdale) is a local institution for 14 years. I am the mom of two amazing young scientists and I’ve been married to a newly sworn-in American, Kevin McNeill, for 29 years.
I’m a hard worker and my record of service to the residents of Bronxville and Yonkers is strong. I served on 6 committees during my term, and I continue to serve on several important boards, notably the Westchester County Cybersecurity Task Force (as Chair), the Bronx River Parkway Reservation Conservancy, and the Foundation for Yonkers Public Library. I’m past Board member of Groundwork Hudson Valley as well as former Court Clerk in the Bronxville Justice Court, former President of the Bronxville Library Board of Trustees and former PTA member.
The election is November 7th at your regular polling location. You can also vote early starting on October 28, 2023 at the Yonkers Riverfront or Yonkers Will Library on Central Park Avenue.
When we say Vote your Values and Local Elections Matter, we urge you not to sit this one out! Vote for Ruth as your next Westchester County Legislator!