There has been a lot of publicity lately about the captioned topic,
with law enforcement departments “crowing” about how many guns have been turned in.
Let me repeat my credo:” Gun buy backs are an exercise in futility-why?
Because “the good guys turn “em” in—the bad guys keep “em”, and keep on using them to commit more crimes.
A recent study by The National Bureau of Economic Research, stated that Gun buybacks analyzed have done little to reduce gun crime or firearm related violence “
“Our results suggest that gun buyback programs, have been inefficient use of tax payers dollars in the United States,” the authors conclude.”
“Perhaps deterring gun violence as alternate firearm-related policies, such as safe storage laws or stricter background checks would be more effective at deterring gun violence. Our findings also suggest that prior city (gun buyback programs) have been poorly designed to achieve their policy objectives.”
In my estimation, the ”Cash Bail Reform Law has been a dismal failure,
releasing convicted felons back onto the streets to commit more violence.
Also, in a case where a felon kills an innocent person-the punishment should be “You take a life-you forfeit your own”-the verdict– Life without parole.
The old adage applies here-“If you can’t do the time-don’t do the crime.”
Joe Pettit, Yorktown