Letter to the Editor -AI, is it Running Wild?

A Monster Unleashed?

“When you invent a new system—do not establish it before you work in all the safety procedures.”

This has been my credo ever since the “Tech Age “began-unfortunately, our “Tech Guru’s” are so anxious to “get it going’, that many times, when it comes to the safety rules-procrastination is the order of the day.

Cases in point,(1)-A news brief stated that a group of high school students, using AI, produced photos of their classmates “in the Buff.”

(2)-Chinese Communists, using deep fake AI, can create human impersonation of people confessing, crying, begging, groveling, all the details appearing in a video so lifelike that even relatives will believe it

(3)-A news source, some time ago, made mention of the fact that AI in the future, will be able to obtain details of a person’s bank account, by voice imitation, and the list doesn’t end there!

The old saying “forewarned, is forearmed” should be the order of the day!

Joe Pettit. Yorktown Heights