Zeldin and his wife were at a Columbus Day parade in the Bronx when the shooting happened, but his two 16 year old daughers were home and called 911 and hit in the bathroom until police arrived. It appears that the shooting had nothing to do with Zeldin or his family, and that the two individuals who were shot decided to hide under a bush and under a porch in the Zeldin home for no other reason than it was close by. But a police investigation continues with few details released other than to say that the two individuals shot were transported to the hospital. Zeldin said in his comments that three individuals were captured on the video cameras outside of his home.
“My two 16-year old daughters, called 911 when they heard the shots outside. One of the bullets was found 30 feet away from the kitchen table where they were doing their homework. The two who were shot were likely shot already based on the blood found,” said Zeldin, with his wife and daughters standing by him but in shock.
Zeldin then equated what happened to his family to the stories that he has heard across New York State concerning crime and gun violence. One reporter asked him whether it was wise to “politicize” what happened to his daughters.
An annoyed Zeldin responded, “I’m standing out of a crime scene in front of my own house. At what point are we supposed to talk about the crime on our own streets? You can’t get more outraged than I am right now.”