“The demand for vax has dropped dramatically because our vaccination rates are so high. We have reached the point where we are going to suspend our testing and vaccinations at the County Center on Friday. We reserve the right to take any action necessary if conditions change,” said Latimer.
“We did not require vaccinations in Westchester, but using persuasive powers more of our workforce was vaccinated and we did not have an outbreak. We think our measured policies have worked and got us to this point.”
Westchester County Government is now in dialogue with New York State to deconstruct the medical facilities that were built inside the county center so that the concerts, graduations, and basketball games can return.
Watch full briefing here: https://youtu.be/oVSNmW4Nyhg
With the declining number of vaccinations at the County Center, Westchester County is undertaking the following steps:
- Friday, April 1 will be the last COVID vaccination clinic at the County Center.
- Anyone who received a first dose this week or through April 1 will be contacted by the Westchester County Department of Health to receive a second dose at 134 Court Street.
- Starting April 8, COVID vaccines will be offered at 134 Court Street on Fridays from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.
- This is the routine immunization day for the County’s Health Department.
- The Health Department will continue to offer satellite clinics in high need communities, including the “Thank You” program, senior centers, and booster clinics.