Westchester County Executive George Latimer updated the community about a recent uptick in the number of COVID cases in the county during his briefing on Dec. 5.
“As of Sunday, Dec. 4, we had 2,645 active cases in Westchester County. The week before that number was 1,968, that is over a third of an increase in a week. Something has happened in the last week and we are going to monitor it,” said Latimer, who clarified that the COVID cases in Westchester now are nothing close to the numbers during the peak of the Coronavirus in 2021.
The County Executive also shared the number of COVID hospitalizations, which he said, “represents the severity of the disease. Currently, there are 210 people hospitazlied, a week ago that number was 174 and a month ago it was 158. If that trend continues we will share it with you and act accordingly.”
The number of COVID related deaths in Westchester has not increased recently. “Last week, we had 4 deaths; two weeks ago that number was 7 deaths, and a month ago it was 8 deaths. What that probably tells me is that if you are vaccinated you have the best ability to fight the disease off. Vaccination stimulates your antibodies and helps you recover,” said Latimer, who recommended that county residents get their flu shot and there COVID vaccinations.
“I’m fully vaccinated and I have had no impact from it. This protects you from the worst possible affects of COVID. We will keep monitoring the situation. We have seen some uptick but it is not by any means at a crisis standpoint,” said Latimer, who did have COVID last year, but completely recovered.
Westchester County continues to offer vaccinations at health centers and clinics across the county. Go to www.westchestergov.com/health for more information.