Latimer Calls Out Bowman’s Dark Money Group that Spent Millions Attacking Democrats

Super PAC Justice Democrats spent millions on attack ads that are spreading lies against leading NY-16 Congressional Candidate George Latimer.

Democrat George Latimer, Congressional Candidate for the 16th District in New York called out Congressman Jamaal Bowman for his dark money ties to organizations like the Justice Democrats Super PAC, which only works against other Democratic candidates. Justice Democrats have also been working to undermine President Biden by urging Democrats to withhold their support for the President in critical battleground states, allowing Trump to make serious gains and hurting Democrats’ chances of holding the White House or retaking Congress. 

The Super PAC has already done a six-figure spend to prop up Bowmans’ flailing campaign, which has been unable to gain any support from local Democratic committees and has seen less than 10% of its donations come from local donors. The Super PAC falsely accused Democrat Latimer of being anti-choice despite Latimer’s 100% pro-choice voting record, his sponsorship of legislation to protect abortion rights, his passage of a clinic access law, and his endorsement from ProChoice Voters, a Hudson Valley-based abortion rights organization. Bowman’s weak fundraising and lack of grassroots support stands in stark contrast to the grassroots success of Democrat George Latimer, who has raised the majority of his funds locally and has won the endorsements of 11 local Democratic Committees.

Bowman, who has been caught in a series of lies and faced multiple scandals including falsely calling the rapes of Israeli women following the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel “lies” and “propaganda”, criticized Latimer for getting independent support, when in fact Bowman has been accepting dark money support for weeks.  

“Accepting dark money support while criticizing independent spending for our campaign is dishonest and hypocritical, but exactly what voters have come to expect from Jamaal Bowman,” said NY-16 Congressional Candidate George Latimer. “Bowman clearly has a problem telling the truth and so he’ll make any attack, no matter how false or preposterous, to try to avoid addressing his lack of results in Washington. But the facts are clear: Bowman votes against President Biden on critical Democratic priorities like investing in infrastructure or protecting Social Security and Medicare. He believes that rules don’t apply to him; he believes he can criticize others for doing exactly what he is doing; and he has lost the trust of NY-16.”

Earlier this year, Bowman and fellow squad member Cori Bush hosted a fundraiser in Los Angeles that cost about $13,000 per ticket. The event was mostly attended by anti-Israel activists. In addition, this month Bowman traveled to Fairfax, Virginia for a private fundraiser with Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Director Nihad Awad, a controversial anti-semitic figure who publicly stated that he was “happy to see” the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel; since then the Biden administration publicly disavowed the organization.