On June 6, Westchester County Executive George Latimer will announce the appointment of Terrance Raynor acting Commissioner of the Westchester County Department of Public Safety. Raynor previously served as the Department’s Deputy Commissioner under then Commissioner Tom Gleason.
Latimer said: “Terrance has an extensive career in law enforcement, starting as a police officer and leading up to Commissioner of the Mount Vernon Police Department. He has served several administrations as Deputy Commissioner and as Acting Commissioner, he will lead the Department ably in the weeks to come.”
Raynor, a Mount Vernon resident, graduated from Virginia State University and joined the Mount Vernon Police Department in 1984. Raynor spent time in patrol, uniformed task force and the Motorcycle Unit. Raynor has been promoted in the Department numerous times serving as a Sergeant, Lieutenant and as Captain. In 2002 Raynor was appointed the Acting Chief of the Mount Vernon Police Department, the following year he was appointed as Chief. He served as the Police Department’s Chief until he accepted a position as Chief Criminal Investigator for the Westchester County District Attorney in 2006. In 2013, Raynor returned to the Mount Vernon Police Department to serve as Police Commissioner.
Raynor has received law enforcement training from the New York City Police Department, the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Raynor is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s 201st National Academy. Raynor has been with the Westchester County Department of Public Safety since 2018.
The Westchester County Department of Public Safety, also known as the Westchester County Police Department, is committed to protecting County parkways and County properties, including Westchester’s vast parks system and key facilities such as the Westchester County Airport. In addition, it conducts municipal patrol operations in Mount Kisco and Cortlandt, and has School Resource Officers assigned to four schools in the northern part of the County. County Police serve as a resource for local law enforcement in Westchester, especially pertaining to the Forensic Investigation Unit and the Special Operations Division, which covers the Aviation Unit, Hazardous Devices Unit, Marine Unit, Canine Unit and Special Response Team. County Police are also at the forefront in protecting our citizens and critical infrastructure from acts of domestic and international terrorism.
More information on Raynor from the Mt. Vernon Police Associaton. Raynor, born and initially raised In Brooklyn, moved to Mount Vernon as a young teen. While in Mount Vernon Commissioner Raynor coordinated and supervised the Police Department’s Community Policing Unit, was responsible for creating the department’s Special operations Division and creating and supervising the department’s Internal Affairs Unit to investigate allegations of police misconduct and corruption. A former member of the department’s Motorcycle Unit, he also led the Dare Unit, Quality of Life Task Force, School Resource Officers Program and the Community Affairs and Crime Prevention Units.