By Eric Wolf Schoen
In my next life I’m going to come back as WESTCHESTER County Executive or a County Legislator. Before Covid no one knew what the County did other than have swimming pools and a place on your tax bills. As a Yonkers City Councilman turned Legislator once told me, the job of a Councilperson is by far more difficult than Legislator because the public knows their Councilperson and what he/she does vs. a County Legislator who most people haven’t a clue what they do.
But sometimes our County Legislators, publicity hungry like most politicians will vote for something they have little jurisdiction over. Banks are closing, we are providing monies rightly so for the Ukrainians in their war with Russia, Covid still puts the shivers in many people but what do our friends from the County Office do? Put a restriction on giving out plastic single use utensils and condiment packages. Just what taxpayers are worried about.
The new law law states that no food service establishment shall give out single-use utensils or condiment packets to any customer unless they specifically request them. Single-use plastic beverage stirrers or “splash sticks” are no longer permitted. Single use food-ware items or condiment packets must be provided individually and not in a package containing multiple items. A major crisis for everyone.
Now if the County was really concerned about this topic, why didn’t they consider the use of sporks. A spork is a combined fork and spoon. But wait a minute what do you use for a knife? The top part of the spork could be fashioned to used as a knife. Most foods that you are using plastic silverware are soft in nature, so between all sides of the device I am sure an astute eater could figure out a way to cut their foods.
No coffee stirrer or ‘splash stick.’ How am I going to mix in my sweet and low into my Panera coffee? The Board left out the plastic devise used for filling the little whole in my coffee cup to keep it hot or for traveling. They can require the ‘stopper’ be long enough to stir my beverage. That will eliminate one item from the garbage. But until we get sugar and other powder or crystal sweeteners to absorb into the coffee, how can we eliminate something to stir it with as well as keep it hot or from spilling in the car.
If I ordered a steak to go from the diner, I doubt the worker is going to put a mustard packet with my order. I didn’t learn until later in life that people put ketchup on frankfurters. So every time I order frankfurters from the diner or any other food that requires condiments I have to be quizzed by the order taker as to what condiments I want? Takes way too long. Many people like myself put the unused condiment packages in the refrigerator for use at a later time particularly if it is something rarely used. Hey, it’s better than the people who steal sweet and low and Equal from the diner, restaurant or coffee shop.
My father may he rest in peace hated having his food served on paper or disposable dishes and plastic silverware. He would go into the kitchen at my aunts house to get a real plate and a real fork at a barbecue. There are others like him. That’s why I say WESTCHESTER County, if you are gonna pass frivolous legislation make sure it’s right. I wonder what the penalties are for giving a packet of red crushed pepper with a pizza from a pizzeria if it’s not asked for.
So to solve this perplexing problem, I guess the best thing is for our County officials to give us a flatware set. This way we can carry utensils where ever we are consuming food or beverage and bring them home to be washed or put in the dishwasher. By the way, to save water make sure you have a full dishwasher!
Stopping Theft from Stores
Theft from our stores whether they be bodegas or Bloomingdale’s is a major problem not only in Yonkers but throughout WESTCHESTER. I have seen a rack of clothing stolen from the TJ Maxx simply wheeled out of the store. All the electronic theft prevention devices can be removed with a heavy magnet. Many people learn this when the cashier by mistake leaves the theft device on their item, they call the store they purchased it from and in order to avoid a trip back to the store the phone operator tells them use a heavy magnet to remove the security tag. This is no secret.
The increase in thefts started with the ‘bring your own bag, we don’t give out bags’ laws. It use to be that bags were collected at the door, numbered and given back to the customer upon his or her exit. This was done at fancy stores as well as the dollar stores in Getty Square. Add a man sitting on top of a ladder at the dollar store exit and I don’t think many things were stolen.
Now people bring bags with them into the store and simply put the merchandise in the bag. Store personnel are told not to confront customers even if they know there are unpaid items in the bag. So this is a problem that has to be solved using old fashion techniques.
Collect and number bags shoppers bring in. Give them a cart for the treasures they are going to buy. Pay for the item, get your numbered bag from the person holding it, leave the store, that’s it. When you have people running around a store with empty bags you have a perfect environment for theft!
This won’t stop racks of clothes being take from TJMAXX but the potential thief knows someone is watching them!
Stores are now featuring a free 5 pound box of matzah with a minimum purchase in the $25 to $50 range. You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy matzah. The stores are screwing us price wise for everything. Here’s your chance to get something for free.
If your side mirrors don’t fold automatically when the car is turned off, fold the mirrors in yourself. This is a signal to criminals that you are concerned about security and they may pass your car and not break in.
This change of time every year causes more problems than it’s worth. Congressman Bowman, sponsor legislation to do away with this menace. Your constituents will be grateful!
The Air Train project from New York City to LaGuardia Airport is needed and should not be abandoned. In New York we tend to do things half ass backwards. LaGuardia is developing into a 1st. Class Airport. There needs to be a rail hookup just like Kennedy Airport to make the trip more convenient and comfortable for people flying and working at the airport.
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. Reach him at thistooisyonkers@aol.com.