This year, donations for Toys for Tots in Westchester, and across the country is down signficantly. Steve Topilnycky, Coordinator, Toys for Tots – Westchester County from Toys for Tots Westchester wrote,
“Yes they are down. This year we will be servicing 24,000 children. As of last night we have distributed to, now about 6,000, about 1/4th of our demand. We went from 324 collection points last year to 178 this year. We added several virtual drives (Amazon, Learning Express & Target Wish list). We are getting results, but obviously now what we would collect directly from the community. Tomorrow is our “Official” end date, but between low donations and now this snow storm, my pick up schedule has been pushed to after the storm. The U-Haul Van just does not move in the snow (I’ve gotten stuck in the past). I am doing about a half a days’ work tomorrow, Thursday is a wash, and Friday back at it collecting all of our collection sites. I will be doing this until I get them all in. My warehouse volunteers are turning the items around as fast as they can to get them out to the agencies, for the kids.”
In 2019, 41,581 Toys were distributed, and 21,230 Children Supported.
Credit Card donations are accepted online via our web site at
Visit https://westchester-county-ny.toysfortots.org/ for ways that you can help. Perhaps there is an Angel out there that could save the day!
Westchester native and country music star Jessica Lynn, pictured above, has always supported Toys for Tots.
First Lady Melania Trump also welcomed Toys for Tots to The White House, Tweeting, “@ToysForTots_USA has taught American’s that kindness & the act of giving is timeless & can be done at any age. Thank you to the @USMC & @JBABdc for hosting another wonderful toy drive & making sure every child has a present to open on #Christmas morning.”

Make a Donation Today! Monetary donations online are still helpful to the campaign. We are short on teens and have to purchase items.