Landon Pepe
By Dan Murphy
Congratulations to Landon Pepe, a Senior at Somers High School, for being named a Con Edison Scholar-Athlete of the week. Landon has been a 4-year player on the Somers Varsity Lacrosse Team, and is the team’s captain and goalie.
This year Landon has 131 saves in 14 games. And in his sophomore year, he was moved up to Varsity mid-season for our New York State Championship Football team.
Landon has volunteered since 2021 with Able Athletics, providing inclusive lacrosse experiences for players with diverse disabilities. He also helped raise over $2000 for Able last year. Pepe also volunteers for United for the Troops, which sends food and other items to US Troops overseas.
Landon has a 98.75 GPA and is a member of the National Honor Society, National Math Honor Society, National Science Honor Society, National English Honor and has scored in the high honor roll for all marking periods all 4 years of High School.
“Academically, Landon has few peers. I am fascinated by the constant opportunity he sees in the everyday. I am fascinated by the overt, wild success he has worked so hard to achieve both in academics and athletics. And I am fascinated even more so by all the subtle, unseen interests and passions that he so actively pursues without any intent to earn external praise,” said Somers HS Principal Mark Bayer.