By Eric Wolf Schoen
Just to show you how corrupt the political and judicial system is, as of press time last week the court and the specific judge handling the case from Steuben County in New York wherever that is was allowing voters to change their registration up to Primary Day, August 23. The Steuben judge got a letter from the State Board of Elections asking him to change the date you could enroll in a party to August 8 because they knew many people would take advantage of this in the Maloney vs. Nadler race and the Bowman race.
With less than a week the judge pulled the plug on his own ruling because of political pressure from the incumbents. What a corrupt system we have. At least in the Maloney vs. Nadler race we will finally get rid of one of the criminals who only care about themselves and don’t care about the people. Hopefully the third candidate in the race will split the vote and get rid of two people who have been in office too long.
So friends, because of the corrupt system we have the strategies I outlined for you last week won’t work,
Now as for Jamaal Bowman, I urge you to support Vedat Gashi in the race, Gashi has been in the race all along and is not a trying to be a spoiler like Catherine Parker is. Let’s face it, Bowman doesn’t represents issues important to the people of Yonkers and is part of the liberal, cut the police AOC Wing of the party.
He has voted against Israel numerous times according to the Jewish Press. He has not been a supporter of our friends in the Ukraine.
How Bowman obtained his seat? Incumbent Eliot Engel who supported Israel and the Ukraine and was a leader in foreign policy took his seat for granted. His seniority and the fact that he kept most of his staff in district to deal with constituent issues was lost when Bowman was elected. I have heard Engel is supporting Vedat Gashi and I know Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano and a host of unions and political and business leaders are.
Jamaal Bowman doesn’t represent us in Washington. He represents a section of the Democratic Party that will hurt this country. I hope you join me in voting for Vedat Gashi on Primary Day, April 23. Our country, our state, our county and Yonkers need someone to fight for us!
Early voting starts August 13. And you can send someone from your family to the Board of Elections up to the day before the primary to get your absentee ballot. On to other issues of the day!
Kill Spotted Lantern Fly
Among the other things we need to take down right away is the spotted lantern fly. These pretty butterfly looking things give themselves away when you see multiple spots on a butterfly. If you don’t stomp on them, they will eat vegetation and destroy your trees, particularly fruit trees.
We don’t like to kill insects but when they do more harm then good it’s time to go!
Shopping baskets as Reusable Grocery Bags
Don’t go looking for those shopping baskets when you go to the grocery store anymore. Apparently, people forget their reusuable bags, carry their groceries out of the store in the baskets and take them home. Who knows if they ever bring them back.
See friends, this is what you get when you force people to use reusable shopping bags. And some stores have the gaul to charge 25 or 50 cents for a paper bag that costs them less than a nickel. And the bags are flimsy and don’t even have a handles.
We need laws where paper bags are available for 5 or 10 cents each, are sturdy and have handles. Disposable cloth bags can get dirty. I don’t like carrying my bags of groceries home in reusuable bags. As you know I am against the use of reusuable bags. Watch for a law with a fine for stealing grocery baskets similar to the fine for removing shopping carts from grocery store premises.
Hey wait a minute. If you have a vehicle that can accommodate it, why not wheel your shopping cart right into your vehicle? A good way to sort the frozen from other perishables to make it easy when your unpacking your groceries into the fridge, freezer and pantry! Let’s me stop giving you crazy ideas!
Cascade Campaign
So the makers of Cascade, the dishwasher soap want you to use your dishwasher again. The cost of a load of dishes washed in the dishwasher costs less than if you wash each dish individually. And look at all the labor it saves. And your dishes come our sparkling clean. I guess the comparison is with a full dishwasher load and takes into consideration the costs of soap and water. You need a dishwasher to complete this test which many of us do not have!
Dipping is Back
Is it me or do I see people dipping again. Cookies into coffee, chips into the big dishes at Panera, I’ve never seen so many people dipping or you could say dunking when they do it with a donut or sandwich. Dipping and dunking is something my grandparents use to do. Grandpa would put his crackers into his soup. What do you call that when you smash up crackers or put those little round
Nabisco crackers in your soup? Everything old is new again!
Make a Lane of the West Side Highway a Bicycle Lane
Who comes up with these brilliant ideas. A New York City Councilman wants to make a lane of the West Side Highway below 57th street now and above 57th Street later a bicycle only lane. There’s a group of people out there who will doing anything to screw motorists. Imagine with the current WEst Side Highway traffic bikes fighting for space? Bicyclists wanting to get into Manhattan can take any of the avenues up or down town. You want to have people come into Manhattan without cars?Make the damn subways safe and clean. Get rid of the homeless riding the trains. Put a police officer on every subway, particularly at night. That will reduce cars and allow for brilliant ideas like this to even be considered.
Reduce drug prices
Let’s hope the new bill out of Congress will lower the price of drugs and put some competition in the market. And put a cap on the out of pocket costs for those paying exorbitant amounts of coinsurance to meet crazy deductibles. I see it with friends who have limited health insurance policies with high deductibles on expensive medications!
Shooting over Cold French Fries and sauce for Chinese food?
And the mother of the French Fry shooter says her some has to do what he has to do. Crazy! We pray for the young man who lost his life over cold fries. How sick!
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show alternating Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, WVOX.com click listen or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.