Khader Leads Field With 86% of Yonkers Democratic Committee Vote for City Council President, as 14 Yonkers Democrats Step Forward as 2021 Candidates

Yonkers Democrats gathered on Zoom to hold their City convention and to nominate candidates for City Council and County legislator. Yonkers Democratic Chair Tom Meier welcomed 250 district leaders, ward leaders and elected officials to the convention.
The number of interested and active democrats, combined with the strong showing of more than a dozen candidates seeking the party’s nomination, points to an ever growing trend in the City, and in Westchester County; an increasing momentum, enrollment and interest in the D’s.
Nominations were made for the following positions, who received the % of the vote of yonkers democratic party district and ward leaders and proxies. I means incumbent.
City Council President:
(I) Mike Khader-85.7%
Lakisha Collins-13.89%
Peter Spano-less than 1%
City Council -2nd District
(I) Corazon Pineda-Isaac-82.5%
Crystil Suazo–17.42%
City Council 4th District-
(I) John Rubbo-100%
City Council 6th District-
Tim Hodges-79%
Stella Schwuchow-21%
County Legislator-16th District-
(I) Christopher Johnson–72.1%
Dwanita Crosby-26.9%
County Legislator -17th District
(I) Jose Alvarado-100%
Several other Yonkers democrats will attempt to get on the ballot and run in the democratic primary. Zafiro Acevedo will be running in the 2nd Council District. London Reyes is expected to challenge Jose Alvarado for County Board in District 17, and Carlos Burgos is expected to challenge John Rubbo in the 4th Council District.
City Council President Mike Khader received the highet percentage of votes in a contested nomination with 86%. “It is an honor to receive the support of the local Democratic Party,” commented Khader. “I am proud of what our party has been able to achieve over the last four years both at the polls and at City Hall, and I am grateful for the committee’s faith in me to represent our party in this critical election season. I have spent the last three years fighting for Democratic priorities in our great city, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.”
“I am not taking anything for granted in this race,” continued Khader. “I have been incredibly grateful for all of the support that I have received since announcing my re-election campaign. I believe that my track record of results for our city speaks for itself, but I plan to take my message and vision for our city to every single voter in Yonkers, and I look forward to the campaign as an opportunity for dialogue and engagement with all Yonkers residents.”
“I thank the Committee for its nomination, but now my message is simple: let’s get to work,” concluded Khader.
City Council Majority Leader Corazon Pineda-Isaac received 82.6% of the vote of Yonkers Democrats in her re-election bid in the 2nd district. Pineda-Isaac’s name was placed in nomination by Eileen O’Connor. The incumbent shared, “I am very honored and humbled by Eileen’s endorsement and the strong support of so many of our city’s district leaders. With the backing of Yonkers Democrats I am confident the great constituents who make up the 2nd District will re-elect me to Council so I can continue to advocate for them because there is still more work to do.”
Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac has worked with her colleagues in Yonkers government and the state legislative delegation to ensure that education funding remains a top priority for the City, which has resulted in higher rates of graduation and national recognition for academic excellence. She is also working to expand the Affordable Housing Ordinance and increase the number of affordable units in all new developments in Yonkers to provide greater accessibility to more people.
Pineda-Isaac has also introduced legislation establishing an Affordable Housing Registry to make finding and applying for affordable housing units easier for residents. Most recently, in collaboration with the South Broadway Business Improvement District, she crafted legislation that mandates the licensing of hotels so that Yonkers retains greater control over hotels in order to benefit neighborhoods and the City. Known as one who meets regularly with constituents to address their issues and concerns, Pineda-Isaac says there is still more work to do:
“I fight for what is right, even when what is right may not be popular. Yes, I have a reputation for speaking my mind but I stay true to my values and beliefs, and I am planning to take on the next four years with as much grit, determination, and enthusiasm as I displayed during my first two terms in office.”
Yonkers Democratic Chair Tom Meier said, “County legislators Ruth Walter and David Tubiolo will be voted on at the county convention along with county executive and county clerk on Feb 10 because their districts cover more than just Yonkers.
“I expect that legislators Walter and Tubiolo will receive a unanimous nomination and overwhelming support to continue the great work they are doing along with Legislator Alvarado and Majority Whip Johnson.”
“The overwhelming support for Council President Khader, Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac and Councilman Rubbo demonstrate the confidence that the democratic party has in them and the hard work they oave and will continue to do. Another hard working civil servant, former Police Chief Tim Hodges rounds out the democratic party’s endorsed ticket,” said Meier.