Are residents subsidizing commercial water bills?
By Dan Murphy
On Tuesday, the Yonkers City Council passed a resolution calling for tiered Water Rates for residential, industrial and commercial users in the City. The resolution which passed unanimously, was authored by Council President Mike Khader, who has been active in seeking to control water rates for homeowners and taxpayers since taking office three years ago.
The resolution reads, “The city of Yonkers purchases its water from New York City at rates established by the New York City Water Board. A tiered water and sewer rate structure tied to consumption levels by category would more fairly allocate the cost among users.”
Khader said that after taking office three years ago, and “After hearing dozens of complaints from homeowners and taxpayers about their water bills, I wanted to find out what was the cause of the increases, and sometimes large increases?
Khader said that after a lengthy review in water rates and bills in Yonkers, his office has determined that based on the current water pricing system, “homeowners are subsidizing the water bills of large businesses in Yonkers. That is no fault of the businesses, like Domino Sugar or MGM Casino. They simply pay whatever bill they are sent from the City.”
“But what has happened for years is that there has been one standard rate, and no distinction between residential use, commercial use and industrial use. Some businesses use more water than homeowners do. But instead of having that business pay for their excess water usage, that cost is spread across all water users in Yonkers,” said the Council President.
Last year, the City installed water meters so that each home, residence, or businesses’ water use could be more accurately determined. Khader said that the water meters were a first good step in making sure that “those who are using the most water should pay the highest water bills. To me this is a simple example of fairness.”
Khader said that all of the businesses he has spoken to about water rates and his proposal, “all are in agreement. They didn’t realize how the rates were calculated and they understand that this is not a punitive measure. But now more than ever, homeowners who are struggling cannot absorb the cost of higher water rates when they are, in fact, subsidizing larger corporations and their water bills. If I’m using 1000 gallons of water and you are using 10000 gallons who should pay more? “
Khader said that if implemented by City Hall, “the immediate affect would be a freeze on Water rates for homeowners. I can’t promise a reduction in water rates and bills for homeowners and taxpayers right now.”
Last week, DPW Commissioner Tom Meier discussed Water Bills, usage and rates with the City Council. The resolution passed by the council doesn’t set water rates, but urges the Yonkers Water Department to set the rates with different classifications.
Before the unanimous vote, there was little discussion over Khader’s plan. Council Minority Leader Mike Breen said that he “supports the resolution and the concept, but I do have concerns that I think can be resolved.”
Yonkers Rising continues to get letters to editor from homeowners complaining about their water bills. Now, look for more of these letters to come “pouring” in.