Kanijah Jacobs Scores 1,000 Point for Riverside

Kanijah Jacobs, holding basketball, after scoring her 1,000 point

By Dan Murphy

One of the best achievements a high school basketball player can make is to score 1,000 points in their career. We like to highlight these achievements, the lastest of which came from Riverside High School Senior Kanijah Jacobs, who scored her 1000th career point during the 65-32 win over the Yonkers HS.

Kanijah, who her teammates call KJ, is the point guard for the Rams, and has been a member of the varsity since her freshman year.

The 1,000 point was a lay-up. KJ has been playing basketball since the 2nd grade and is self taught. “I work outside on my own.”

When asked where on the court is her favorite shot, she said, “I’m all over the court. Her high scoring game was 40 points against Lincold High School.

She hopes to go onto college and play basketball whereever she goes. “I’m not sure where I’m going to college, but I think it will be outside New York State.”

Any advice for young girls who one day want to score their 1,000 point? “Keep on going and work on your game.” Congratulations.

We hear there may be a few more YHS basketball players who scored their 1,000 point. If you are out there, we would like to hear from you and write it up. Contact us at dmurphy@risingmediagroup.com