By Eric Wolf Schoen
It is so hard to believe that the month of January is almost over and February will soon be upon is. So, Where is the snow, ice, sleet, etc.? There are many who will blame this on global warming, but I will not blame it on anything. Anyone who grew up in this region is well aware of the ‘feet’ of snow we use to get, forcing us to stay in the house for days on end eating homemade cake (the house smelled so good !) and big bowls of soup.
The pandemic has forced so many families to get computers that distant learning is a reality, not a dream. Turn on the computer and you have practically everything you need. So you say why do we need classroom teachers. Simply, without them and without group learning students would not interact with each other and socialization would not take place. It is so crucial to all parts of learning and we should never forget it. Let’s hope those who fund our schools understand this unlike an elected official who once said to me, ‘Why do we need libraries when so many books are on CD?’ This same official could not understand why our libraries needed a magazine budget because they too are electronically available.
There is nothing like picking up a hard or soft cover books and flipping the pages. Let’s hope our society doesn’t get away from this for a long time!
The Washington Documents
If we keep a $100,000 piece of jewelry in the vault but want to take it our for a special occasion, we take it out and put it in a place we will never forget. After the occasion is over we take it out and return it to where we got it from.
The places are so finite. I can’t image keeping a $100,000 piece of jewelry in room the size of a mud room with no security. Just like at home, the document is stored in a small appropriate place.
So President Biden and Former President Trump have documents of top security stored in their respective homes since in Biden was Vice President and Trump has documents from over 4 years in Mar Lago. The document are just being found in searches of the homes of the two men. Most of the document are stored in the Library of Congress. Like a regular library, no one checks to see what books are checked out? If we didn’t have a document system like a regular library, no one would ever check the whereabouts of these documents supposedly crucial to our nation’s security? I’m sorry friends, I just don’t get it.
And who else knows what is out there? And how long these documents have been known to be under no security? Should we been examining the homes of all our Presidents and Vice Presidents and Government Officials and have them look for missing documents. Should. We bring in an inventory company to take a non-partial examination of what exists and what is missing?This mess is beyond ridiculous.
Should there be a ‘give back’ where the families going back to George Washington can return classified documents without a penalty. Should there be fines based on how long a document is in circulation. Why just penalize George Washington’s family without the Lincoln and Eisenhower’s. This could go on for ages. Penalize the Library of Congress employees and their families who allowed the materials to go into circulation and never checked? Maybe we could solve our nations financial problems. Crazy!
Truck on the Hutchinson River Parkway
2023. There my friend is stuck in traffic on the Hutchinson River Parkway. A truck hit the overpass knocking off its roof. Road closed. Cars waiting for hours. Maybe it’s time that the people revolt.
There has got to be a solution. We’ve tried bars, stripes, signs, signals with and without noise and many other solutions. Nothing will work until we put up a barricade window high that hits the truck when it comes too close to it. Watch how quickly the truck backs up when they come close to a metal sign attached to a barricade that says no entrance or no entrado.
Everyone of these trucks costs time for removal, to fix the bridge that it hit as well as time for the motorists stuck in traffic. I don’t care what the State Department of Transportation says against this. Do we ever see boats hitting bridges on our nation’s roadways?
Yonkers Redistricting
‘To the Winner goes the Spoils! ‘ Yonkers in the process of less then 5 days Redistricting city political districts to better align them with population shifts. And the Republicans are all in a huff as it dilutes their power. Haven’t we gone through this game before!
When the Republicans were in power they did the same thing. So you expect the Democrats to do it different. Robocalls went out over the weekend telling about the process but not explaining what was going. It’s simple. Even out the districts. With more Democrats it means more Democrat control districts county-wide. There is no law that you have to carve out a district to meet the needs of a political party. I’ll say: To the Winner goes the spoils.
It will be interesting to see what happens. This is not easy business and requires distinct knowledge of the process. And remember, Republicans make up a small % of Yonkers population. The City Council has 5-2 Democrats to Republicans. It will be interesting to see what comes out in the end!
Don’t complain that Congressman George Santos got appointed to committees that are meaningless in Congress. Complain that he got elected to Congress, lying to his constituents. Complain that he doesn’t know his name. Complain he doesn’t know where he lives. Or family history.
How sick could a man be to raise funds for an Ill dog and never turn the funds over to his keeper? Sadly just like we have sick people shooting up stores in California, we have disturbed people lying to to get elected. And dumb people who never checked out the disturbed person running for office.
One thing is very important. Congressman do a lot of constituent service for those in their district. It is important that the work of his predecessor be continued on. People are waiting for Government monies for help from their last Resource, the Congressional office, and wait for benefits they deserve. There needs to be staff under the direction of the Congress who make sure ,’We, the People’ are not forgotten.
Editorial note: thank spell check last week for turning RED into READ.
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App.