Where do I start. Crazy weather, 70+ degrees on Monday. On Tuesday as we go to press, the winds are blowing and the temperature is in the 40’s. Snow predicted for later in the week. These temperature changes are no fun for many of us with bad backs. Should we blame it on Global Warning. Or is it simply March coming in like a lion and going out (hopefully) like a lamb?
Gas prices hit a record $4.17 a gallon. Maybe in Arkansas but not around these parts. The United States cutting off imports of fuel from Russia? Didn’t I hear Trump and Biden and the Democrats and Republicans who served as President before them state we were not relying on foreign oil? The end of Covid restrictions have more people going back to the office with sticker shock when they fill up their gas tanks.
How many more Senators and Congressman are going to call on the United States government to lift the gas tax and open up our petroleum reserves. Whenever gas prices go up we here these cries from Congress. Does it ever happen? Or are our leaders in Washington just saying this stuff to make us feel good!
Russia. What they are doing to the poor Ukrainians is terrible. But when will we learn that you can’t trust the leaders of Russia, whether it be Putin or his predecessors. Russia wants world dominance. They will always want world dominance. You come to Yonkers and so many of the Barber Shops owned by Italian men have been taken over by Russians, many of them Jewish. They are smart. They know the government of Russia is always up to its old tricks, and they escape to the United States of America.
Nothing is more representative of our country then baseball. The players in 2022 make more money than Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron. They get better benefits, have better working conditions, gorgeous new ball parks quite often subsidized with taxpayer, yes that means our money. They are not playing at the Polo Grounds. They get treated like kings and if you want an autograph kid you better be ready to pay for it!
With all the money players and the team owners make, as we come out of a pandemic where we all need things in our lives to make us happy like a nice summer day at the ballpark, buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks, the players and owners can’t come to a financial agreement to make both sides happy? Both sides should be ashamed of themselves.
And you know when they come to an agreement all it will mean is higher prices to go to the ballgame. Higher prices to park your car. Higher prices for peanuts and Cracker Jacks and dirty water hot dogs sold by the man coming up and down the aisles of the stadium! I hope they go back to 9 inning games for double headers. Even though to make money expect fewer double headers on the schedule or separate admission ones!
The pandemic is over or at least we are at the point where we are learning to live with it like the flu or a common cold. Look how quickly Queen Elizabeth, 95 years old overcame Covid and stood side by side with the Canadian Prime Minister. And can you please explain to me why people at a big park like Tibbetts are wearing masks outdoors?
If you want to wear a mask it is your right to wear one and no one whether it be a government official in Florida or a person at a store that says masks are optional should shame you because you are doing what you want to do. The ability to select whether or not you want to wear a mask. Isn’t that what people like the Governor of Florida have been preaching all through the pandemic?
New York’s former Governor on a comeback tour? Spending the millions he has in campaign funds to try to prove to us that he is a knight in shining armor! Going to a church to preach not for forgiveness but to boost his own ego. Thank god the Attorney General of New York State promptly put this man with loose hands and an ego bigger than our former President in his place.
As of this weekend there will be no print edition of the local paper the Journal News. So what will all those people who want to read the local obituaries (one of the main reasons why people read the paper) or the news 2 days old do? How about the municipalities that designate an official daily newspaper for legal notices. And legal notices from a variety of sources that must be in print.
I think that’s enough craziness for this week. Now onto some positive things . Yonkers is the Happiest City New York City in the Country!
According to an online publication called Wallethub, Yonkers ranks as the happiest city in New York State and 44th Happiest City in the Nation. I’ll tell you why!
According to an online publication called Wallethub, Yonkers ranks as the happiest city in New York State and 44th Happiest City in the Nation. I’ll tell you why!
On March 19 Yonkers will after a 2 year hiatus host it’s grand St. Patrick’s Day Parade on McLean Avenue, the ‘Emerald Mile’ of Yonkers with the finest Grand Marshall a parade could ever have, Pat McCrudden.
Pat and her husband Larry do so much for our community, and Pat’s recognition is long overdue. You could not pick a finer, fairer person than Pat. Two days earlier on St. Patrick’s Day WVOX 1460 AM honors their morning hosts, Dennis Nardone and Miss Tonny from noon to 5:00 p.m. at the Mirage Cafe and Restaurant across from Iona College, hosted by the legendary Bill O’Shaughnessy!
Chick-Fil-A, a place loved by so many fast food junkies will open a location at the old HSBC branch on Central Avenue in Yonkers. I haven’t had Chick-Fil-A in years, and was never a big fan of their crinkle cut fries that tasted like the ones mom made out of the Birds Eye bag when we were kids. But I’ll give it a second chance now that they have non fried foods and salads and wraps on the menu.
Yonkers Brewing Company is serving a 1.5 pound mega burger. Nothing better than a juicy burger from this Yonkers institution. It’s meant for 1 but I am sure they will let you share it with a buddy or someone special in your life!
Pizza Barn is safely ensconced at their new location on Central Park Avenue across from the Raceway. There you will find the Super Slice, a giant slice of pizza that is perfect for sharing!
Not too far away are Yonkers institutions like DeLite European Style Bakery, Clairmont Diner serving some of the biggest portions at reasonable prices, Louie and Johnnies serving great Italian food and three stores catering to the large Yonkers Italian Community right next to each other across from the Raceway. The food at these institutions and others in a 3 block radius will bring smiles to your face and not hurt your wallet too badly!
And finally, Target at Cross County Mall in the old John Wanamaker’s/Sears building is looking like it’s getting getting more and more ready everyday to open its doors. Over 25 years since I first stepped into a Target in Los Angeles, California. For those of you who have never been in a Target I’ll do a column ahead of time to tell you what to expect.
Beautiful city and county parks, a delightful waterfront where you can live, fish, dine or just sit and watch the boats go by, Yonkers has something for everyone! That’s why it’s the Happiest City in New York, host to Yonkers Rising and the Rising Media Group of Newspapers that you are reading. But to continue the paper going we need your support. Buy a reasonably priced advertisement for your business. A friend did recently and was impressed with the price and the business that came from an ad. Patronize those businesses who advertise. And make sure you read about all the happy things going on in Yonkers and throughout WESTCHESTER in these papers every week. Remember you can always find us at yonkerstimes.com!
A Brief: I attended the Dua Lipa concert at Madison Square Garden last week. What a fun concert. After the last two years we all need to find fun things to do. Whether it be Cher or Madonna or Dua Lipa, I like performers who fly in the air during their performance. Dua Lipa did not disappoint!
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show alternating Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, WVOX.com click listen or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.