Never Underestimate a Politician’s Ego
By Dan Murphy
Mt. Vernon has been a democratic city for more than 35 years. Every mayor and every member of the City Council has been a democrat since the last republican Mayor Augie Petrillo died in office in 1976. Democrats outnumber republicans by a 10-1 margin in Mt. Vernon.
So this Nov. 5, democrats are expected to elect their nominee, Shawyn Patterson-Howard, as the next mayor. Patterson won a crowded democratic primary in June, defeating then-Mayor Richard Thomas, then-City Council President Andre Wallace, and former Police Commissioner Clyde Isley.
Since Patterson-Howard’s victory, Thomas agreed to resign from office as part of a plea agreement for campaign spending violations, and Wallace became acting mayor.
The Mt. Vernon Republican Party gave their nomination to Wallace in March, before Thomas resigned and Patterson-Howard won the democratic primary for mayor. Some democrats were surprised that Wallace even accepted the republican nomination. Usually, democrats don’t accept the nomination from the Republican Party – in Mt. Vernon, or other communities in Westchester.
“A Democrat is a Democrat,” said David Ford, the legendary Mt. Vernon democratic chairman for 40 years. “We don’t work with republicans, we beat republicans.” The Mt. Vernon Democratic Party had supported Clyde Isley as its nominee for mayor.
Now the party is backing Patterson-Howard, as well as the democratic ticket of other nominees, Councilmembers Lisa Copeland and Derick Thompson, and County Legislator Lyndon Williams.
But Interim Mayor Andre Wallace appears to be running for the full-time job of mayor. He has sent out press announcements and mailings featuring himself, and has a few signs around the city asking for the people’s vote. Interestingly, none of the publicity that Wallace has put out includes the fact that he is running as a republican.
Wallace also has the backing of the Black Westchester newspaper, which had criticized former Mayor Richard Thomas but while supporting and endorsing Wallace and has chosen to ignore Howard rather that attack her.
Some loyal democrats, both in Mt. Vernon and across Westchester, are asking about Wallace’s loyalty to the party. “Usually, when a democratic candidate loses the democratic primary, they endorse the winner of the primary, even if they are running on other party lines,” said one Westchester democrat. “This has always been the case – they simply say that ‘while I’m on the other line, I’m supporting the democrat.’ Wallace has not done that.”
Supporters of Howard are on social media asking the same question. “Act like a democrat, Mayor Andre Wallace, and endorse the Mt. Vernon Democratic Party’s candidate for mayor, Shawyn Patterson-Howard,” commented Valerie Watkins.
Political experts say Wallace has no chance of winning the election Nov. 5 as a republican. “Andre Wallace lost the democratic primary,” said a Westchester Democratic leader. “That was the moment when he should have given up his campaign. Instead he continues to dip his toe in the race, doing the business of mayor but allowing his supporters to toss out the possibility that he could win. The only way that Wallace could win is if there were a scandal involving the democratic nominee, Shawyn Patterson-Howard. But there is no scandal. Howard has ignored Mayor Wallace and instead is preparing for her victory Nov. 5 and the hard work ahead to try and work together with everyone in City Hall.”
While the election is Nov. 5, Mt. Vernon residents can vote early starting this Saturday. Days and hours are as follows: Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 26 and 27 from noon to 5 p.m.; Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Oct. 28 and 30 and Nov. 1 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, Oct. 29 and 31 from noon to 8 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 2 and 3 from noon to 5 p.m.