I knew it was coming. Everyone else I know got at least one. It comes
In an envelope with the words highlighted ATTENTION REQUIRED in Vomit blue, the return address is Red Light Camera Traffic Safety Program!
It came right after New Years, a time people are just finishing opening their cards and sending return greetings. so with its jolly vomit blue color you might just think it was a belated card. Drum roll please, now it’s time to open the envelope to see where I was a bad boy.
The ‘violation’ took place at Yonkers and Midland Avenue. A quick look at the letter shows 3 pictures that must have been lifted from a lousy computer. One is the license plate on the back of my car. One is a picture of a truck filled filled with debris. The third picture is so dark it’s hard to Make out what’s going on.
Gee I thought ,wasn’t this the place my sister got her red light not Long ago? The pictures are so unclear it’s Hard to see even if it is daylight. Yes, my sister got her ticket at the same placement.
For an hour I tried to log on to the website that would give me the video and ability to see what actually occurred with no success . Finally I logged on and saw the picture of my infraction. Had I gone through the red light? Nope. Had my car passed the street lines That are blurred in Yonkers as they haven’t been repainted. Yes. Was the area leading to the bridge a quick stop. Yes.
Let me remind you I am the slowest driver in yonkers second to my sister. I follow the speed limits and if You honk me I go slower. Try to pull around me and I’ll make it difficult for you to move. I Drive slow even in a speed area.
Refresh my memory. Isn’t this a Red Light Camera Program Supposed to catch you when you
Go through a red light camera? When did all these other violations to hit motorists with tickets come into play?
If the city is going to go beyond a simple passing of a red light to issue ‘notice of Liability,’ Yonkers should put the types of violations they are going to ticket for on the city website. they also should put red light location signage clear for all to see and like every other WESTCHESTER municipality on the approach to red light cameras. The signs accomplish everything the Red Light Cameras do without the hefty monetary donation to the city. And as always, the little people get hurt first!
So the question is to pay or fight it? What’s the old saying, ‘You Can’t Fight City.’ So I decided instead of waisting my time or aggravating myself more I would pay. But the fine is just not $50. It’s $65 including $15 for a public safety fee. And they make it even harder to get on the website to pay which took 45 minutes.
But wait we are not finished. Want to pay for the violation with charge card. (You can’t send money through the phone). There’s $1.99 fee for that. So the $50 Red Light Ticket, Public Safety Fee of $15 and $1.99 pay by charge comes to $66.99. Highway Robbery? You got it. A dirty rotten shame. That’s a better explanation. Let’s not even talk about the cars that go through red lights or have their mufflers in violation with city code or are double parked or are in a handicap spot without proper signage. I could go on and on for hours. They never get ticketed. And here little ‘ol’ me is stopping before the red light.
You see all these cars speeding through town? I’m stopping before a red light, and the speeding cars get away with murder.
Just to make sure you are clear, the whole City Council sent a home rule message to our State Legislators requesting Red Light Cameras, the legislators in Albany passed the legislation, and the Governor, probably Cuomo at the time sealed it with his approval.
And just so you know the same lobbyist for the company that got the contract to install the red light cameras contract was the same lobbyist that lobbied with the Albany politicians for the city to have this program everyone loves.
And if you think the big shots are paying for their Red Light Tickets, sorry friends it doesn’t work that way in the BIG YO (Yonkers.)
Mr. Santos
Everyone is questioning how George Santos could be Congressman. Blame it on the politicians that did not vet him. Blame it on the Long Island Republican Party and New York State Party and Team to get Republicans elected in Congress.who did not vet him. Bet it on the lazy Long Island and New York City Press that did not vet him. Blame it on all the people who know him who didn’t spill the beans. Enough blame? His election is the biggest and best comedy show in town!
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.