Hussars!-The DNC Dog & Pony Show is over!!

Letter to the Editor from Joe Pettit

In the 3 days of this “classic” we heard a lot of crowd pleasing rhetoric
telling us how they loved America so much, that they will cure ”all the ills” and bring our country back to “greatness:”

Among the “distinguished guests were:

(1)- Kamila (giggles) Harris, who, when standing at the Korean DMZ ,
accompanied by American military officials, blandly stated “ I’m
glad we are friends with North Korea.(or words to that effect)!

(2)-The Obamas-With Michelle Obama when speaking to the
assemblage, stating “Someone has to split up the pie”–
The Obamas own 2 mansions: (A)-Kalama Wash. bought in 2019
for $ 8.1million, (B)-Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard MA.- purchased
In 2019 for $11.75 Million!

(3)-Hilary BENGAZI Clinton,(4) Bill Clinton (“I did not have sex with that
Woman”.) and others too innocuous to mention.

“It may be true that cannot fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country.” (Will Durant)

Joe Pettit
Yorktown HTS NY