FeederWatch, sponsored by the Hudson River Audubon Society. Help count birds for a Citizen Science project sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. No experience necessary. Saturday, November 20, 10:00-12:00 a.m. Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley Rd., Yonkers. Vaccination card or Excelsior Pass and masking required. Non-members, please request reservation by emailing info@hras.org.
FeederWatch, sponsored by the Hudson River Audubon Society. Help count birds for a Citizen Science project sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. No experience necessary. Sunday, November 21, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley Rd., Yonkers. Vaccination card or Excelsior Pass and masking required. Non-members, please request reservation by emailing info@hras.org.Backyard Birding. Hudson River Audubon Society presents Gabriel Willow, environmental educator, ecologist, and urban naturalist, discussing what birds you can see in Westchester backyards and how to attract them. December 1, 7:30-8:30 p.m.. Free. Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley Road, Yonkers. Vaccination card or Excelsior Pass and masking required.
Nature Walk. Debbi Dolan, Conservation Chair of the Hudson River Audubon Society, will lead a walk to explore plants and birds. Sunday, November 21, 10:00-11:00. (Rain date Sunday, November 28.) Lenoir Nature Center, 19 Dudley Road, Yonkers. Free. Masking and social distancing required if not vaccinated. Register with Debbi at turlan@aoponline.net.