Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner writes, On June 23rd many residents of NYS will be casting their votes by absentee ballot in THE primary for President, Congress, State Legislators, District Attorney. I support the Governor’s initiative to encourage people to vote by absentee ballot.
A significant concern – many Greenburgh residents have not received ANY mail in days. Sampling of e mails I received. At the bottom of the page the Hartsdale Postmaster acknowledges that “the entire Postal Service is experiencing some complications.” I continue to receive complaints from others that mail that should have been delivered to them went to someone else.
If people vote by absentee ballot they should expect that their absentee ballot will be delivered to the Board of Elections BEFORE VOTES ARE COUNTED so their ballot can be counted. I am reaching out to state officials suggesting that the Board of Elections notify voters by e mail that they received the ballot.
If you are experiencing similar problems please advise by e mailing me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com.
Some of the complaints received by Feiner in April included: “hi, I just went to the post office on central ave because i have had letters sitting in my mailbox to go out for at lease 3 days. The post office is closed but I spoke to the mailman behind the door and he said that my carrier is quarantining herself and there has been no mail due to a backup at the plant with limited staff.”
And “Don’t know if you have a line in to the US Post Office Scarsdale Annex but Cotswold in Edgemont has now not had any mail delivered for three days straight. I understand they must be swamped but many seniors in the neighborhood rely on checks that are mailed to them, or have ordered important supplies on-line instead of going to a store.”
And “Have mail deliveries stopped …I haven’t had mail since Monday. I understand that things are difficult for these guys …I just wondered? Thx for all you’re doing.”