By Eric W. Schoen
Rosh Hashanah Eve on Labor Day?. That’s something new. Yes friends, the Jewish High Holidays fall early this year. Real early! But then do they ever fall on time? What is on time? The reason why they fall when they do has been explained to me a million times. Do you think I remember the answer. I can always Google it!
The last week in August and Labor Day up until the end of my teens my family would spend at Brickman’s Hotel in the Catskills. As I have told you before, it was like Dirty Dancing on steroids. Imagine stuffing myself with danish, bagels and lox, linguini with ‘perch’ sauce, gefilte fish, stuffed derma and much more than leaving the hotel around noon on Labor Day as busloads of senior citizens pulled in to start their vacations and coming home and expecting mom to have Rosh Hashanah Brisket Dinner on the table? Wonder of Wonder, Miracle of Miracles!
Another year. I have a lot to look forward to this year. My synagogue, Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanuel-El built a new, state of the art sanctuary for the congregation to pray in. This year, the vaccinated will be able to pray together in the new sanctuary. It is a blessing.
The Rabbi, Cantor and the synagogue leadership did a super job providing services via Zoom during the High Holidays last year and throughout the pandemic. But be it ever so humble, there is nothing better than praying in person with friends and loved ones, people I have prayed with for oh so many years. I look forward to it.
My holiday column is usually upbeat talking about the exciting plans I have and I hope you have for the New Year. This year I can’t be so optimistic as usual. There is such uncertainty in the world right now. Most of it relates to Covid. Will we need booster shots? How often? Some who have taken the vaccine have still come down with the virus. How is this possible?
If I could answer these questions I would be very wealthy. We have to say special prayers this year for the scientists and medical professionals busy looking for a way to bring an end to this pandemic. The doctors, nurses, hospitals and health institutions who do whatever is in their power to protect us and assure us that the end of this terrible plague for lack of a better word is near.
There’s so many people we owe gratitude to this New Year. Everyone from the cashier in the grocery store who has kept us fed to the teachers in our schools who will, we hope return to in person learning children so desperately need. A doctor friend of mine told me a year ago that he was concerned about unvaccinated students playing contact sports. Fortunately in Yonkers, our Superintendent of Schools and Board of Education have set policy that only vaccinated students can play sports. Hopefully other school districts will follow suit.
We will wear masks in synagogue as we pray and we sing. Our school children will wear masks for the time being in class. Hopefully we have learned that the plexiglass surrounding student desks and all the plexiglass that has been put up to protect those who serve and interact with us is of little use. A study just came out with something we already knew.
The best masks to protect us are the N95 and KN95 masks. Wearing a mask is a small price to pay for our safety.
Unless you have a medical reason please get vaccinated. If you were waiting for full government approval of a vaccine the Pfizer vaccine has received it. There is plenty of Pfizer to go around. If you are not getting vaccinated for religious reasons please check with several clergy people of your faith before accepting the opinion of one.
Those who present fake vaccination cards should be locked up in jail. Believe me, there are plenty of fake vaccination cards going around. Be prepared! If a business or restaurant requires you to be vaccinated, find out ahead of time and don’t act stupid. You got a card when you received your vaccinations and there are plenty of apps out there that you can put on your smart phone as proof. Take a picture of your vaccination card and put it in the photos section of your smartphone next to the pictures of your loved ones. You are protecting yourself and them.
All but 10 of New York’s 62 counties are now at the highest level of COVID-19 spread, meaning masks are recommended to be worn indoors, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Small price to pay for safety.
Many students have not been in a physical school building for over a year. Even students who have been in school are observing the craziness going on in society. We must spend money from the Federal government on mental health services to support children as well as adults. The goings on have been difficult for all of us.
Many people obsessed with Covid have not taken care of other matters related to their health. People have missed routine doctor visits for fear of catching Covid in their doctor’s office. At this point doctors know what to do to keep you safe when visiting them. Studies have shown people are coming in with conditions that should have been addressed long ago.
If you have health insurance take advantage of it. You either pay a lot of money for it or receive it because you have worked for a business or government for a long time. It’s there to keep you well.
The world is in such an unsettled state. Look at the situation in Afghanistan and the many American lives that were lost all for nothing. Hurricane Ida has made New Orleans a disaster leaving many people homeless. Same holds true for the Haiti earthquake. These are all things in Gods hands. Even more reason to pray these High Holidays.
The European Union is recommending to reintroduce travel restrictions on U.S. visitors. Itll be up to the member states to decide whether or not to impose them. Until things stabilize I would put off that London theater trip. Enjoy the great USA.The number of incidents of flight attendants having conflicts with people who are flying is at an all time high. People need to grow up and behave themselves if they are flying the formerly friendly sky’s.
Everyone is tense and on edge. We have to find ways to relax. Meditation programs are available online free of charge. Our libraries (in particular our great ones in Yonkers) offer in person and zoom programming on a range of topics. Gyms are once again safe places with many members masked and hopefully a mandate from Westchester County is forthcoming mandating vaccination for those who workout at gymnasiums. I don’t agree often with New York Mayor deBlasio, but vaccinated individuals should have more rights than the unvaccinated.
Keep yourself busy. Do a good deed for someone everyday. Check in on that elderly neighbor. Check in on that family next door who may have lost their jobs. Maybe they need some food, or a maybe you can babysit while they go out for dinner.
Everything is not going to be back to normal for a while. I wish I had my usual, positive jubilant message for you as we enter the year 5782. We are tough. We will get through it!
A Brief Note: The Yonkers Public Schools family lost a ‘gentle giant’ this week with the passing of Coach Willie Faulkner. He was my gym Coach at Yonkers High School and respected my limited gymnastic talents. He was involved with the Yonkers Police Athletic League and did a lot of community service work both during his tenure with the schools and upon his retirement. We exchanged holidays cards oh these many years after my High School graduation. He will be missed.
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers.